B2B Marketing
B2B Lead Generation

B2B Lead Generation: Process, Strategies, Tools & More

Manoj Palanikumar
February 16, 2023
B2B Lead Generation: Process, Strategies, Tools & More


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“We have enough leads.” Said no one ever!

The more leads, the better.

But when we talk about B2B lead generation, you aren’t sure what really works. In fact, 80% of marketers consider their lead generation efforts somewhat effective. So, to help you create solid B2B sales lead generation strategies, we have crafted this extensive B2B lead generation guide.

Read on to learn about lead generation, and bookmark the post for future use!

What is B2B Lead Generation? 

B2B lead generation is business-to-business lead generation that involves identifying potential buyers and attracting them to purchase a product or service. 

“You are out of business if you don’t have a prospect.” – Zig Ziglar

Lead generation is an inseparable part of a business. It involves gathering information like name, organization, job title, and email about a potential customer and utilizing the information to target them with personalized campaigns and demos. 

B2B lead generation involves both sales and marketing teams. Before the lead reaches the sales team, the marketing team takes them through a qualification process. If qualified, they are passed on to the sales team (more on this later!)

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Why is B2B Lead Generation Important? 

Two solid statistics show why B2B lead generation deserves importance.

  • B2B organizations with mature lead generation processes enjoy 133% more revenue than average companies.
  • 56% of organizations exceed their revenue goals because of effective lead generation efforts. 

B2B sales lead generation contributes fundamentally to business success. It enables you to;

1. Boost your conversion rates by offering your product to people genuinely interested in your product.

2. Explore and identify the potential customer base you can target to sell your product.

3. Gather valuable and accurate data about your potential leads

4. Improve the percentage of successful sales.

Who Conducts Lead Generation? 

As mentioned, B2B sales lead generation involves marketing and sales. But how? Let’s dig deeper. 

Marketing and sales teams must work together to make the B2B lead generation process work effortlessly.

1. Marketing

two groups of marketers focus on B2B sales lead generation. 

Demand generation marketers

This marketers’ group focuses on the B2B lead generation revenue cycle. They aim to nurture leads and guide them right from the brand awareness phase to becoming a customer and, eventually, a patron. 

Growth hackers

The growth hackers focus on generating quick revenue with as little cost as possible. They tend to have an experimental approach, and several early-stage start-ups leverage them to boost their revenue.  

There are several tactics that marketers leverage for B2B lead generation. 

1. Content marketing – This marketing tactic involves publishing targeted and optimized content relevant to the audiences. Blogs, eBooks, podcasts, videos, and webinars are a few examples.

2. Account-based marketing – Marketers identify key decision-makers within the company (or account) and create campaigns aligned with the interests of these leads.

3. Growth hacking – Contests, incentives, giveaways, and free tools are a few strategies marketers use to create demand and grow businesses quickly.

Most importantly, marketers leverage the power of SEO and PPC to generate high-quality B2B leads. Here’s why SEO and PPC are super important as lead generation techniques for B2B.


Ask any B2B lead generation agency about SEO, and they will tell you how effective it is. 

SEO is all about optimizing content and websites using various techniques like backlinking, keyword combinations, and others to rank your brand higher in the SERPs and drive more organic traffic. 

The average B2B sales cycle is six months for smaller deals and 9 to 12 months for more substantial ones. Hence, SEO is significant for B2B to educate the audience and move them down the funnel faster and a B2B SEO agency helps in achieving this.

1. SEO helps potential buyers find your brand more easily through better SERP rankings.

2. It improves the website’s visibility and click-through rates, boosting brand awareness and credibility.

3. SEO helps you target specific keywords and phrases relevant to your business and generate leads through organic search.

4. It can improve your overall digital marketing strategy and drive results. 


This digital marketing strategy is about creating and managing ad campaigns on search engines like Google AdWords. Pay Per Click is a paid advertising form where businesses can bid on different keywords to rank higher in the search results. 

Here’s why you must choose PPC for B2B lead generation.

1. PPC enables you to target your audience precisely and reach the ones who actively search for your (or similar) product or solution.  

2. It allows you to build brand awareness, reach new customers, and measure and track results.

3. PPC is a cost-effective B2B lead generation method because you pay only when someone clicks your ad.

2. Sales

In B2B sales lead generation, the sales team is split into two groups:

Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)

This group sources and scores leads, engages with them, and books meetings.

Business Development Managers (BDMs)

This sales group conducts demos, closes deals, and generates revenue for the business. 

Here are a few tactics that sales teams leverage for B2B sales lead generation. 

1. Social selling – SDRs follow B2B leads on social media channels, engaging with them and building relationships. LinkedIn is one of the major social media channels for B2b brands.

2. Cold calling – SDRs contact B2B leads via phone, briefing them about the product or service and qualifying them for future engagement. You can use both automated calls and manual calls for cold calling.

3. Outbound email – SDRs, with the hope of holding conversations with leads, contact them via emails. This is mainly done through automation. In fact, email follow-up tools are one of the most popular B2B lead generation tools that manage all outbound emails.

Benefits of B2B Lead Generation

B2B lead generation offers several advantages that make it vital for any business. Here are a few benefits of an effective B2B lead generation strategy.

Reach out to the right target market.

B2B lead gen ideas help you identify the right target market and prepare a custom sales pitch that gets a positive response. It enables you to learn more about your potential customers, reach out, and engage them with personalized ad campaigns and demos that align with their interests. 

Create targeted content

B2B lead generation involves knowing your potential buyers better. You can create more targeted content relevant to the prospects as you gather information about their interests, pain points, and preferences. 

Once you share valuable content with your target audience over multiple channels, you can boost your brand’s digital presence and credibility. It can also build a robust online community where a few may become customers and even more may become brand advocates. 

Improve lead quality.

Dumping a lot of content on your website may bring in a lot of traffic but only a few conversions. So, it’s a kind of wasted effort. 

With a lead generation strategy for B2B businesses, one can take a highly targeted approach to creating content. Everything the brand creates – from social posts to emails, blogs, and landing pages – is meant for specific groups.

Hence, capturing the attention of quality leads interested in your product becomes more effortless. Eventually, you can engage and nurture them and close the sale successfully.

Boost conversions and revenue.

You can undeniably boost conversions and your bottom-line revenue with the above benefits. 

Done the right way, B2B lead generation can generate revenue and increase conversion rates. While it helps brands maximize their ability to reach target prospects, it also helps you create custom content addressing prospects’ challenges.

The best thing about a B2B lead gen strategy is that it is data-driven. Everything done in the process is based on high-quality lead data. Hence, the chances of conversion are high.

The B2B Lead Generation Process

B2B sales lead generation isn’t quick and easy. The process is comprehensive, and following the steps is vital. That’s precisely why we thought of covering the entire B2B lead generation process in this B2B lead generation definitive guide. So, let’s start with the process.

1. Know Your Target Audience:

Before everything else, you must know your target audience well 🎯. Once you know who you are reaching out to, it is easier to understand where and how you can reach them and what to offer them. 

In the B2B space, companies look at very narrow markets. This allows you to understand the needs of your potential customers. Thus, you can create messages that appeal to them. 

Not only this, knowing your target audience gives you insights based on which you can plan and execute your B2B lead gen ideas. You can also use the audience’s information to create content that’s relevant and valuable to them. 

2. Conduct Market Research

✅ What’s trending? 

✅ What information is your potential buyer looking for? 

✅What are your competitors up to?

Find the answers to these questions by performing thorough market research. 

Study the industry trends to stay updated. Find out what your target audience is looking for. 

Tune into social listening. Track the people engaging with your posts on existing social channels. Follow their comments. This can help you gain insights into who they are and what they want. 

Study the competition. Follow your competitors closely. Understand their strategies- what’s working for them and what’s not. Based on the collected information, identify the gaps, think of things you can do differently, and build plans to deliver what your competitors cannot. 

3. Identify Customer Pain Points 

Identifying the pain points is the most intimate way to know your target audience. Discover the challenges your target audience experiences and provide them with actionable insights to win their trust.

The key here is to empathize with your target audience and dig deeper into their pain points by asking:

  • What are the challenges giving your customers sleepless nights?
  • What are the impacts of these challenges or problems?
  • Have they found a solution to the problems?

These questions will help you understand what motivates your target audience and what solutions they require, informing your marketing and B2B lead gen strategies.

4. Define Buyer Persona

A buyer persona represents your ideal customer. To develop the best B2B lead gen tactics and drive success, build buyer personas based on customer insights, market research, and first-hand data gathered from existing customers and customer-facing teams. 

Provide as many details as possible when developing your buyer persona(s).

  • Demographics – Gender, age, income, family, location, education, buying behavior, etc. 
  • Professional information – Company name, job title, company size, and industry.
  • Psychographics – Personality, lifestyle, beliefs, attitudes, and values. 

Interviews and surveys can help you gather all this information, and then you can use it to segment your target audience and offer them what they are looking for.

5. Create a Value Proposition

Once you have all the information regarding your target audience, you can create a value proposition that appeals to them. 

A value proposition is nothing but the message that positions your product or solution to the target market in the right way. It comprises of the product benefits plus its value and the customer’s main problem or challenge. 

In short, a value proposition defines your product benefits and value to your customers and demonstrates how it can help them resolve their issues. 

It requires dedicated efforts to craft a perfect value proposition that makes your stand out. And it is worth the effort as a value proposition enhances your B2B lead generation strategy.

Follow the below aspects to craft the perfect value proposition for your brand.

  • Identify your customers’ pain points
  • Determine your product’s key benefits
  • Define what makes your product unique 
  • Align the product values to customer pain points
  • Determine how you can stand out from the competition by offering the value

6. Create a Lead Generation Strategy

After the groundwork is done, start building your B2B lead generation strategy. Here are the steps you must follow to create a solid B2B lead gen strategy.

Set objectives. Set SMART goals. List what you want your lead generation strategy to achieve. Setting clear goals will help you monitor progress, evaluate, and improve over time.

Create lead magnets. A lead magnet is an incentive a user gets in exchange for their contact information. Once your buyer personas are ready, create lead magnets that support B2B lead generation - guides, eBooks, case studies, reports, templates, cheat sheets, checklists, and free trials.

Build landing pages. Create landing pages that offer the lead magnet to ideal customers. Landing pages are one of the most significant elements of B2B lead gen strategies. The more landing pages, the higher the lead generation. Companies can experience a 55% increase in leads when increasing their number of landing pages from 10 to 15.

Drive traffic. The most challenging part of the strategy is to drive traffic to your landing pages. If your objective is to generate leads with PPC, identify ad networks based on your brand strategy, data, and budget. For organic traffic, create SEO content, optimize with relevant keywords, build links, rank for keywords, repurpose and distribute content, and more.

Score and nurture leads. Lead scoring helps you prioritize leads based on their likeliness to purchase. Score based on buying behavior, sales amount, purchase readiness, etc. Once you prioritize the leads ready to purchase, focus on nurturing the ones that aren’t sales-ready. Connect and engage with the leads via email, social media, etc., to gradually convert them into customers.

Track, Analyze, Tweak. Test lead magnets and landing pages to improve your conversion rates. Remember that your B2B sales lead generation strategy requires tweaks and improvements over time to ensure higher conversion rates. 

7. Use Multiple Channels for Lead Generation

A multichannel B2B lead generation strategy requires you to determine the following:

  • What are the current channels you use for lead generation? 
  • What results are you tracking? 
  • What is the ROI from the existing lead generation channels?

Next, research the channels that your top competitors use. Find out if they are effective for B2B lead generation. If yes, incorporate the new channels into your list. 

Then, you can start creating high-value content that drives higher lead generation. Create relevant and informative content to attract potential customers and build strong relationships with them based on credibility. 

Cross-promote the content across all your social media profiles. Embed links to the content in your emails, mention your website on podcasts, send newsletters, and more. 

Finally, measure the outcome to improve your multichannel B2B lead generation strategy. Evaluate and pivot to keep your lead gen strategy fresh and maximize ROI. 

8. Qualify High-quality Leads

When interacting with leads, your sales reps measure how likely the leads are to make a purchase by looking at the stage they are in. 

Awareness – The awareness stage is the research phase, where prospects know a solution and research to learn more about it.

At this stage, prospects consume much educational content like blogs, white papers, eBooks, and case studies. 

Consideration – At this stage, prospects know about the exact product or service required. They search for the features and details before communicating their specific needs to vendors.

Prospects compare different solutions at this stage to find the perfect one that satisfies all their business needs.

Decision – At this stage, prospects filter through vendors that best suit their needs. The buyers conduct multiple meetings and check with other decision-makers to finalize the purchase.

Considering the prospect’s stage, sales reps initiate lead nurturing campaigns or focus on getting the lead to book a call, demo, or meeting.

9. Personalize the Follow-Up Process

Companies that personalize see a 30% increase in sales. Hence, it is vital to personalize your follow-ups.

Lead follow-up is a delicate process because leads have yet to invest in the brand. It is a deciding factor for the leads. Hence, your follow-up must be straightforward and respectful, based on the lead’s best interest.

Personalizing emails and sending personalized offers and recommendations is a great way to pique the lead’s interest and engage them. Personalization in follow-ups can make the lead feel more comfortable. Include the lead’s name in emails, personalize CTAs, and provide information based on their queries and the services they were looking for.

Further, personalization in your Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategy can help you target the right accounts. Reach out to them with a personalized message that resonates and increases the chances of conversion. 

Learn more about ABM, and its role in B2B sales lead generation here. 

10. Close leads. 

Close leads by making a successful sale. After multiple meetings, calls, and emails with several vendors, the prospect picks you, and you seal the deal. Now, you must pass them over to the customer success team for onboarding. 

20 Tips and Strategies for B2B Lead Generation 

Lead generation for B2B sales requires solid strategies. Hence, we compiled a list of the best B2B lead generation strategies and tips. 

Read on, learn, experiment, and implement new ways to get the ideal B2B sales leads. 

1. Leverage social media platforms.

You can leverage several social media platforms for B2B sales lead generation. 

Facebook Ads are efficient in helping you with lead capture. The platform also has the ‘Lead Ads’ feature that allows you to add CTAs on your Facebook page to redirect traffic from the page to your lead generation website.

Twitter lead gen cards are also good for B2B lead generation. Prospects must fill in their email, name, and Twitter username and click on ‘submit’ to convert into a lead.

2. Run A/B tests for website optimization.

Your website has to be functional enough to convert visitors into leads. This is exactly where website optimization and A/B tests come in. 

Run A/B tests on key website pages to identify the elements that work for the audience and those that don’t. Use heat maps to see what captures visitors’ attention when they first land on your website. 

Based on the A/b testing insights, experiment with different designs, CTAs, color schemes, images, backgrounds, and more to boost conversions and the bottom line ROI. Track how the website performs after the changes are made. 

3. Focus on high-quality content.

Did you know that 81% of marketers view content as their core business strategy?

Publish high-quality content to promote organic search. Though the process may take some time to show results, you can drive sustainable outcomes by publishing useful content on multiple channels.

  • Craft informative blogs, whitepapers, case studies, YouTube videos, and more.
  • Include targeted keywords that your prospects use in your content to ensure higher rankings in the SERPs.
  • Optimize title tags and meta descriptions.
  • Place the primary keywords in URLs and link them with high-authority websites.

Also, ensure to keep generating leads over time by crafting evergreen content like evergreen how-to guides, case studies, and blogs. 

4. PPC lead generation

Pay Per Click ads refer to the ads displayed on the top of the SERPs. Hence, PPC ads are one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website and increase the chances of conversion. 

Google found that PPC ads can boost brand awareness by 140%. And 74% of brands say that PPC is a huge driver for their business. However, to ensure the success of your PPC campaigns, you must take care of several factors – targeted keywords, company budget, user flow, and more. 

The best way to plan and implement result-driven PPC campaigns is to outsource B2B lead generation to trustworthy agencies that can take care of all your PPC needs.

5. Create irresistible lead magnets and incentives

One of the most fantastic lead generation ideas for B2B companies is to create powerful lead magnets. 

As defined by Richard Wood, MD of Six & Flow, ‘a lead magnet is anything that you can offer a prospect that has enough perceived value in exchange for their contact information, like an email address.’

To create an effective lead magnet, you must study the specific buyer personas and identify challenges you can help them overcome. 

Several companies offer surface-level content as lead magnets. But that’s not going to work. A lead magnet has to be something ‘magnetic’. A few examples of effective lead magnets for B2B lead generation are:

  • Comprehensive how-to guides 
  • In-depth eBooks
  • Templates
  • Checklists
  • Detailed case studies
  • Free trials
  • Workbooks
  • Resource libraries

6. Create in-depth YouTube videos

Text content is fine but don’t forget your B2B visual audience. 

According to research, 81% of marketers say that video has contributed to increasing sales and 87% say that videos have grown their traffic. 

Since YouTube is the second largest search engine on the web, crafting in-depth videos and tutorials and publishing them on YouTube can actually drive great B2B lead generation results. 

You do not have to brainstorm day and night to create blockbuster videos for your B2B audience. All you need to do is repurpose your existing content into informative videos. Share the video content across different channels to generate leads. 

7. Build an automated webinar strategy

When 95% of businesses believe webinars are a significant part of their marketing strategy, you must pay little attention to it. 

Webinars are one of the most effective types of content for B2B lead generation. But planning and hosting a webinar requires a lot of time and work. Luckily, you can automate your webinar strategy.

Automating your webinar strategy is one of the most effective lead generation strategies. 

Now, if you are thinking about an automated webinar strategy, let us tell you that it is nothing but a seminar broadcast over the internet. You can create automated evergreen webinars which people can sign up to attend. 

Track the webinar's performance and tweak every now and then to keep the leads rolling in. 

8. Choose dynamic CTAs

CTAs are buttons that prompt leads to take a specific action. While creating in-depth guides and eBooks is one B2B lead generation strategy, maximizing the number of downloads is another story. 

Adding dynamic CTAs to your guides, websites, blogs, and emails helps you achieve maximum downloads. Hence, this B2B lead gen strategy is vital to convert maximum blog readers into potential leads. 

So, start embedding CTAs in your blog posts that direct the readers to download an eBook or a guide on a related topic. This way, you can use the reader's interest to direct them to obtain more information on their topic of interest.

9. Cater to the B2B mobile traffic

In 2022, the number of unique mobile internet users stood at 5 billion – over 60% of the global internet population. 

With the ever-growing mobile traffic, optimizing for mobile has become the need of the hour. It is an integral part of the B2B lead generation strategy. 

As 91% of B2B buyer searches occur on mobile devices, you must ensure checking your website’s compatibility with mobile devices. Since you cannot afford not to be mobile-friendly, ensure that your website’s easily navigable and user-friendly from all mobile devices.  

10. Utilize email marketing campaigns

Email marketing is effective for B2B lead generation. In fact, 93% of B2B marketers use emails to distribute content. It’s pretty clear that email is a great fit for the B2B audiences. So, how can you utilize email marketing for B2B lead generation?

  • Purchase an email list to generate leads cost-effectively. It can help you expand your reach to a larger audience who probably haven’t heard of your solution before. 
  • Email drip campaigns are valuable as a long-term lead nurturing strategy. You can gradually move them down the sales funnel by sending frequent, relevant emails to your prospects. 
  • Personalized emails go a long way regarding effective B2B lead generation. By tailoring emails according to the prospect’s profile and behavior, you can increase the likelihood of engagement.

11. Add social proof 

Audiences look for a trustworthy brand, and that’s your opportunity to win them over. Social proof is one of the most powerful B2B lead generation strategies that enables you to build trust.

The more social proofs you add to your website, the easier it is to build trust and increase conversions. 

Since your prospects may doubt your product or claims, add social proofs to help them make more thoughtful buying decisions. Add customer reviews, video testimonials, social media reviews, and case studies to your website home page and landing pages. Gathering positive reviews and ratings on G2, Trustpilot, and Capterra is another great way to earn buyers’ trust.

12. Create a free tool 

Giving free tools is an effective way to boost B2B sales lead generation. Crazy Egg offers a free heatmap tool, and HubSpot offers a free CRM. Likewise, you can offer free tools in the form of templates, analytics reports, checklists, free trials, and so on. 

Try out this strategy if you’re doubtful about how to do B2B lead generation effectively. Most of the time, free tools work for B2B lead generation because:

  • Your prospects can try before they buy.
  • The free tool is a strong opt-in offer that enables you to attract high-quality potential leads into your funnel.

13. Promote your case studies

B2B buyers are generally analytical. They have a lot of queries to resolve before taking action. Also, B2B buyers require approval from several decision-makers before purchasing. Therefore, your B2B sales lead generation strategy must include case studies. 

Case studies are the real content for the middle-to-end stages of the B2B lead generation process that can facilitate a successful sale. So, ensure to put your case studies out there. Promote them unabashedly across different channels.

14. Punch in data into your content

This search strategy is effective for B2B lead generation as it helps you gain better ranks in the SERPs.

Though the SEO scenario has changed over time, one thing remains the same – the importance of links in your content. In 2016, Google talked about embedding links being among the top three ranking factors, and till now, links are significant to get you better rankings in the SERPs.

One of the most effective ways to embed links in your content is by punching in relevant data, statistics, and third-party references from reliable sources. This makes it easier for Google to verify the credibility and accuracy of your content. Plus, it makes the content more link-worthy and shareable.

15. Work on your old content

This is one of those significant strategies that most companies forget about – updating content.

Your old content needs some attention. They need cleaning, tweaking, and some maintenance. Incorporate this maintenance routine into your to-do list. Go through your old content and update information, insert the latest keywords, merge similar content, and delete the ones that are no longer useful. 

Without proper maintenance, you will end up hurting your rankings and your B2B lead generation with incorrect and outdated information, keyword cannibalization, broken links, and more. Hence, brush up on the oldies and republish them as often as required.

16. Target high-value LinkedIn leads

LinkedIn is one of the most useful social channels for B2B sales lead generation. It has got the ‘big deals’ that you so want to crack. Advertising on the platform can get you the high-value, and high-quality B2B leads that you’re looking for.

Matmatch grew the size of its supplier pipeline 10x advertising on LinkedIn. Also, the social media platform generated around 1,000 qualified leads among the potential suppliers.

Here are two things you should offer when advertising on LinkedIn.

  • A premium quality B2B product or service. If you expect to catch high-value leads, offer a premium solution that addresses their needs. 
  • Educational content. The audience on LinkedIn is mostly the platform for business. They are career-focused. So, offer them educational quality content to get a higher return on ads.

17. Craft guest posts

Big brands still use guesting posting for B2B sales lead generation. It is one of the most effective (but underrated) B2B lead generation strategies. 

60% of companies write one to five guest posts a month. Even though you may not consider this strategy, it still is the number one link-building strategy as recommended by SEO experts. 

Start guest posting now to enhance your overall B2B SEO strategy and effectively boost your B2B lead generation strategy.

18. Utilize remarketing campaigns to nurture leads

PPC ads generate high-quality website traffic but no matter how good your campaigns are, the majority of your leads do not convert immediately. That’s why you need remarketing campaigns. 

Remarketing campaigns allow you to keep your leads engaged until they are ready to act. If you focus on strategic remarketing campaigns, here are a few strategies you can start with.

  • Create remarketing lists for every sales funnel stage and separate remarketing landing pages
  • Maximize email sign-ups by creating multi-step lead forms
  • Create post-purchase, limited offer, and content remarketing campaigns
  • Reach new audiences with Lookalike Audiences and Customer Match

19. Build your online community

Along with utilizing social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, build online communities on Reddit and Quora. 

You can also create strong online groups on Facebook and LinkedIn to access specific features. This will help you find the best B2B lead generation and marketing strategy.

Though creating and maintaining groups is difficult because, at some point, it may become saturated. However, you can establish yourself as a valuable part of an existing group and then create your own group when you have somewhat of a following.

People will automatically be drawn to your content if you offer fresh and valuable content to your community.

20. Exit intent pop-ups

Exit intent pop-ups appear when a visitor attempts to leave the website. They can help you convert visitors into leads. But they are a bit tricky.

Done the right way, exit intent pop-ups can give you positive results. However, when poorly optimized, they can be intrusive and annoying.

So, if you are planning to add exit intent pop-ups, follow a few best practices.

  • Keep the branding consistent
  • Ensure that the message is clear and concise
  • Pique the visitor’s interest
  • Keep both yes and no options
  • Use gamification techniques

KlientBoost Exit intent pop up

What are the Best Social Media Platforms for Lead Generation?

According to G2’s 2020 statistics, 66% of marketers use social media to generate leads. So, which social media channels can you use for lead generation? Let’s see.


On LinkedIn, it’s all business. It is one of the most popular social media platforms for B2B lead generation. Here are a few must-know facts and figures about LinkedIn.

  • LinkedIn has around 774+ members globally.
  • LinkedIn is 277% more effective for lead generation than Facebook and Twitter.
  • LinkedIn Ads conversion rates are 3x higher than other significant platforms.

The LinkedIn ad format has been particularly designed for lead generation. They are known as the Lead Gen Form with an average conversion rate of 13%, which is relatively higher than the average website conversion rate of 2.35%. 

You can find LinkedIn ads in Sponsored InMail and Messenger ads. With a single click on the form, users can instantly send their information, creating quality leads for your business. Thus, you can easily leverage LinkedIn B2B lead generation methods to increase lead quality and conversions.


Twitter has over 330m active users, with $70m spent on ads on the platform in a year. There are two effective ways to carry out B2B corporate lead generation on the platform. 

Tweets/ Retweets – Run a contest or sweepstakes on Twitter to generate leads. The sweepstake participants can share your contest tweet with other users, extending your reach to different audiences.

You can also post your business content on Twitter to increase brand visibility and build a brand image. It will also help increase your organic reach through likes and retweets by other Twitteratis. 

Paid promotion – Use paid promotion cards for lead generation on Twitter. This technique will allow you to promote landing page posts because Twitter cards let you collect leads on-site and then update the same on your CRM.


Marketers can access promoted lead forms on Facebook. Using these forms, you can gather leads and sync them to your CRM, just like the Twitter paid promotions. You can also track your leads using the Facebook Pixel application. 

Further, Facebook has over 2 billion monthly active users making it one of the biggest social media platforms. Thus, the platform enables you to generate multiple business opportunities. 

Facebook also offers low CPC rates. Using the Facebook Toolkits, you can generate leads through on-page, off-page, and paid promotions. 

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How Can I Measure the Success of My Lead Generation Efforts?

Certain metrics help you measure the success of your B2B lead generation campaigns. Keep an eye to understand what and where you need to improve your efforts. 

Here are a few lead generation metrics that can help you check your performance.

Number of leads generated

This metric is pretty straightforward. 

Are your lead generation campaigns generating sufficient leads? 

If your lead generation efforts are not bringing in enough clients, you must change your marketing methods. Perhaps your B2B lead generation strategies need a change to ensure a higher incoming of quality leads.

Conversion rate

This lead generation metric indicates the percentage of people taking a ‘specific action’ on a landing page, email, or ad. This ‘specific action’ may be downloading content (like an eBook), signing up, scheduling a demo, making a purchase, etc. The higher the conversion rate, the better. 

To focus on lead generation, you must track the following conversions. 

  • Visitors-to-lead – Number of visitors who convert into verifiable leads.
  • Leads-to-opportunity – Number of leads sent to the sales team to accelerate a sale.
  • Opportunity-to-win- Number of leads or opportunities ending up in a successful sale (lead conversion rate)

Cost Per Click (CPC)

CPC is the cost incurred for every click on their ads. Monitoring the CPC is a good way to identify the best-performing ads. 

Also, the metric demonstrates the overall value of your PPC campaign, that is, it tells if you are paying too much for an ad campaign compared to the return it generates. 

A high CPC can indicate wasted ad spend as sufficient visitors clicking through aren’t converting into leads. 

Return On Investment (ROI)

This is a vital metric that tells if the return is sufficient compared to the costs incurred. ROI also indicates if the return is enough to justify the strategies implemented. 

To get the detailed ROI overview of a campaign, including the total cost for every stage of the campaign and total potential income from each customer (Customer Lifetime Value or CLTV) in the calculation. 

Further, measure the following to get other details.

  • Total capital invested on PR, social media, and ads
  • Cost of creating products, offers, supporting content, and more.
  • Estimated profit from each potential lead

Top 5 B2B Lead Generation Tools

SaaS lead generation isn’t easy. It is a time-consuming process. But, luckily, we have lead generation tools to make the B2B lead generation process easier. Here are a few of our top picks.

1. Pipedrive

A sales-focused customer relationship management tool that offers several features like email marketing, lead management, campaign management, contact and account management, pipeline management, and more. The tool makes a B2B lead generation process more efficient.

2. HubSpot CRM

One of the most robust B2B lead generation tools, HubSpot offers a toolset with different tools for your marketing activities – email marketing, scheduling social media content, building landing pages, CRM, and automation tools, along with multiple integrations. 

3. ClickFunnels

This B2B lead generation tool helps you create an optimal sales funnel. The tool enables you to automate the entire back-end sales and marketing processes while helping you track all analytics with ease. 

4. OptinMonster

This is a B2B lead generation tool that enables you to create lead forms easily, in an instant. Using the tool, you can create forms and let them know what they are signing up for. 

It is one of the most powerful lead generation and conversion optimization tools that enable you to rack campaigns, send personalized messages, and make data-driven decisions with conversion analytics, apart from creating high-converting forms.

5. LeadPages

If you want an efficient lead generation process, LeadPages is your go-to tool. The tool lets you build attractive, user-friendly, and engaging landing pages to help you convert the traffic into leads. LeadPages offers several templates to help you create landing pages easily for all your B2B lead generation campaigns.

Contact Us to Discuss About Lead Generation

We agree that B2B lead generation isn’t easy. You need expert guidance to make the lead generation strategies work. Fortunately, you have TripleDart – the best trustworthy and results-driven B2B lead generation agency. 

The professionals at TripleDart can run and manage the most effective B2B marketing campaigns across channels. We can triple your lead generation efforts and take care of everything – from website design and content management to PPC and social media campaigns. In short, TripleDart can keep leads flowing. 

The question is, how many leads can you handle? 

Book a call, and let’s discuss everything about B2B lead generation!

Manoj Palanikumar
Manoj Palanikumar
Manoj, with over 9 years of experience, has had the privilege of working with and advising more than 50 B2B SaaS brands. Specializing in organic growth strategies, Manoj has consistently driven predictable pipelines and revenue for his clients. As a growth advisor, he has helped B2B brands achieve sustainable, long-term growth through SEO, content, and organic strategies. His expertise has been sought by renowned brands such as Zoho, Glean, Helpshift, Monograph, HowNow, and many others, enhancing their organic acquisition and revenue.

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