
The Must-Know B2B SEO Statistics for a Winning Campaign

The Must-Know B2B SEO Statistics for a Winning Campaign


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Are you struggling to increase your Google rankings? Then, this blog is just for you!

In this information-packed post, we have compiled a list of over 100 B2B SEO statistics that can help you get an in-depth understanding and draw a vivid picture of the industry’s status. 

So, let’s dive right in to decode the search engines and find out ways to boost your rankings!

B2B SEO Statistics: An Overview

To start with, we chose a few of our favorite B2B SEO statistics. The reason why we love these B2B SEO stats is that they give a clear picture of the entire B2B SEO landscape. So, check out these stats to stay updated.

1. 61% of marketers reported that improving SEO and growing their organic presence were their top inbound marketing priorities (HubSpot).

2. 70-80% of search engine users focus on organic results than paid ads (SerpWatch).

3. 47% of B2B buyers consumed 3-5 content pieces before engaging with a sales representative. (Demand Gen Report)

4. Long-tail keywords convert 2.5x higher than head keywords. (Profitworks)

5. 83% of marketers believe that creating high-quality content less often is more effective. (SEJ)

6. The average first-page result on Google contains 1447 words. (Backlinko)

7. 70% of marketers focus on all SEO aspects - technical SEO, on-page SEO, and off-page SEO during their SEO audits. (RevenueZen)

8. Company websites with blogs have 434% more indexed pages than the ones without a blog. (HubSpot)

9. According to a SEMrush survey, 91% of marketing experts achieved success with content marketing in 2021. (SEJ)

10. 68% of online experiences start with a search engine. (BrightEdge)

11. SEO drives 1000% more traffic than organic social media. (Ahrefs)

12. Google has 71.98% of the search engine market share. (Articulate Marketing)

13. 72% of marketers consider creating valuable content as the most productive SEO strategy. (HubSpot)

14. Long-tail keyword searches have a 3% to 5% higher click-through rate compared to generic searches. (B2B Digital Marketers)

15. 56% of surveyed SEO professionals considered a budget increase in 2023. (Martech Vibe, 2022)

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B2B SEO Statistics of Search Engines in 2023

Why do you think SEO is significant for your B2B business? That’s because a vast majority of people use the ‘Google first’ approach to find relevant information on a specific topic. 

So, if you’re on track with high-quality content creation and SEO techniques, your brand will be discoverable by your target audience. But before that, check out these few B2B SEO stats of search engines.

16. 53% of website traffic comes from organic searches. (BrightEdge)

17. 81% of product research is done online. (WPForms)

18. 95% of the search traffic goes to the first page of search results. (Digital Synopsis)

19. Over 50% of Internet users discover new products or companies as a result of their online search. (Neal Schaffer)

20. Websites showing up as the first listing on Google’s search results get an average of 39% clickthrough rate on mobile and 34.6% on desktop. (Smart Insights)

21. A video on your landing page makes your website 53% more likely to show up on the first page of Google. Also, it can increase conversions by 80% or more. (Bristol Creative Industries)

22. URLs that have a keyword in them have a 45% higher CTR. (Backlinko)

23. The first five results on Google get 68% of the clicks. (HubSpot)

24. According to Ahrefs’ study of 112 million keywords, 14 million had featured snippets in their SERP. That means 12.29% of search queries have featured snippets. (Ahrefs)

25. A one position boost in rankings can increase CTR by 30.8%. (Backlinko)

26. The first organic result on Google SERP is 10x more likely to get a click in comparison to the page in the #10 spot. (Backlinko)

27. When it comes to SEO, Google considers more than 200 ranking factors. (WebFX)

28. The top four ranking factors include website visit, time on site, pages per session, and bounce rate. (B2B Digital Marketers)

29. 50% of search queries are 4+ words. (Profound Strategy)

30. 92.96% of the global traffic comes from Google Search, Google Images, and Google Maps. (SparkToro)

What are the Biggest Challenges Facing B2B SEO in 2023?

According to the State of SEO Survey Report 2023, here are some of the SEO challenges over the past 12 months. 

One of the biggest SEO challenges is providing ROI. However, the decline witnessed in ROI was nominal according to 16.4% respondents. Only 3.7% of the respondents indicated that their ROI had decreased significantly.

31. 14.9% of SEO professionals consider lack of resources as one of the biggest challenges instead of budget cuts that topped the list of biggest SEO challenges in the previous year. 

32. According to 12.3% respondents, strategy issues took the second position in the list of biggest SEO challenges. 

33. 11.9% of the respondents consider scaling processes as one of the biggest challenges in SEO.

34. 11.2% respondents consider pandemic-related issues as the biggest SEO challenge in 2023.

35. At the fifth position we have alignment with other departments as the biggest SEO challenge according to 10.7% respondents.

36. 38.7% of marketers consider zero-click SERPs as the biggest threat in SEO.

37. 35.1% consider Google updates to be the biggest SEO threat.

38. 65% of SEO professionals consider SEO to be a time-consuming process as they spend 4-6 hours per day in research.

39. A study suggests that 57% of B2B respondents consider the lack of a dedicated SEO manager as the biggest challenge to SEO and content marketing success. 

40. Nearly, 50% of B2B marketing professionals and managers consider link building to be the most challenging part of SEO. In fact, more than 90% of B2B content lacks backlinks. 

B2B Buyers and Research SEO Statistics in 2023

The first step to building a solid SEO strategy is to know your buyers. Here are a few buyers and research related B2B SEO stats that you must definitely check out.

41. Google processes over 8.5 billion searches every day. (Smart Insights)

42. Gartner research suggests that 77% of B2B buyers consider their latest purchase as difficult or very complex. (Gartner)

43. 46% of all B2B buyers and researchers are millennials. (Think with Google)

44. 80% of B2B purchase decisions are based on the buyer’s direct or indirect experience with the brand. (LinkedIn)

45. 62% B2B buyers finalize their purchase solely based on the available digital content. (Forrester)

46. 89% of B2B researchers use the internet in their research process. They conduct around 12 searches before engaging with a specific brand website. (Forbes)

47. A survey by Dimensional Research suggests that 79% of buyers trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations. (Intergrowth

48. Nearly half of Google's two trillion searches per year are local queries. (FinancesOnline)

49. 86% of people turn to Google Maps to find the location of a business. (Intergrowth)

50. More than 75% of all clicks on Google search results come from the first three results. (FinancesOnline)

51. Considering B2B SEO statistics, 71% of B2B researchers start their research with generic Google searches. (FinancesOnline)

52. Each month around 1 billion voice searches are conducted and 55% of people use voice search to look for local businesses. (WebFX)

53. Buying a complex B2B solution involves six to ten decision makers, each possessing four to five information pieces collected independently. (Gartner)

54. 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results, emphasizing the importance of ranking high on search engine results pages. (HubSpot)

55. 50% of B2B queries are made on smartphones, a number expected to grow to 70% by 2023, highlighting the importance of having a mobile-optimized website for B2B businesses. (Boston Consulting Group)

56. The number of B2B researchers who use mobile devices during the purchase process has grown by 91% over the past two years. (Think with Google)

57. 67% of B2B buyers rely more on content to research and make purchasing decisions than they did a year ago. (Demand Gen Report, 2019)

58. 76% of B2B buyers place a higher emphasis on the trustworthiness of the source when evaluating content, emphasizing the need for authoritative, accurate, and SEO-optimized content. (Demand Gen Report, 2020)

Considering the B2B buyers and research SEO stats, we can say that the B2B buying journey is more complex than B2C. 

With unlimited information on the internet, it is easy to get lost. You may find it difficult to make your brand seen or heard. However, a B2B SEO agency like TripleDart can help you stand out. 

TripleDart’s data-driven approach to B2B SEO can attract valuable organic traffic to your website and boost your PQL/ MQL growth. 

Want to know more about TripleDart’s SEO achievements? Check out how we helped RevenueHero boost their organic traffic by 200% in less than a quarter. 

B2B SEO Content Marketing Statistics

Perhaps, you have heard that content is king (by Bill Gates) and it stands true, especially in B2B SEO. Check out these B2B SEO stats on content marketing to understand how important it is for your business growth👇

59. According to a 2020 study, long-form content (over 1,000 words) receives 77.2% more backlinks than short-form content, indicating that creating in-depth, valuable content is crucial for SEO success. (Backlinko)

60. 69% of B2B marketers have a documented content marketing strategy. (Content Marketing Institute)

61. 89% of B2B marketers use content marketing to achieve their lead generation goals. (Content Marketing Institute)

62. Long-form content (over 3,000 words) gets 3 times more traffic, 4 times more shares, and 3.5 times more backlinks than articles of average length (901-1200 words). (SEMrush)

63. 70% of B2B marketers are actively investing in content marketing. (HubSpot)

64. B2B marketers who spend over 6 hours on a piece of content are 56% more likely to report "strong results" than those who spend less time. This B2B SEO statistics emphasizes on the importance of creating high-quality, optimized content for better results. (Orbit Media)

65. According to 96% of marketing decision makers, content marketing has been effective for their brand. (Zazzle Media)

66. Through the use of content marketing, 88% of marketers have effectively achieved their objectives of raising brand awareness and developing credibility and trust. (Content Marketing Institute, 2021)

67. 7 out of 10 marketers invest actively in content marketing. (HubSpot)

68. 79% of consumers say that user-generated content highly impacts their purchase decisions and only 8% said that influencer-created content impacts their buying decisions. (Stackla, 2019)

69. 82% of B2B marketers use email to distribute content and engage with their audience. (Content Marketing Institute)

70. 56% of B2B marketers use educational content to nurture their audience, highlighting the importance of informative and valuable content in B2B marketing strategies. (Content Marketing Institute)

71. 66% of B2B content marketers use webinars and online events as part of their content marketing strategy. (Content Marketing Institute)

72. 61% of B2B marketers say that updating and repurposing existing content has proven effective for improving organic search rankings. (Orbit Media)

73. The average blog post takes 3 hours and 55 minutes to write, suggesting that B2B content marketers invest significant time in producing high-quality, SEO-optimized content. (Backlinko)

74. 80% of B2B marketers use metrics to measure their content performance, with website traffic being the most commonly used metric (89%). (Content Marketing Institute

75. By updating older blog posts with new content, companies can increase organic traffic by as much as 106%. (Impact)

76. Only 4.7% of B2B content teams claim to produce the majority of their bottom-of-funnel (BoFu) content. (Databox)

77. Blogs are considered the most valuable content distribution channel by 59% of B2B marketers. (Demand Metric)

Expert B2B Statistics and Trends About the SEO Industry 

What is the status of the SEO industry? 

Here’s a glimpse of a few significant SEO stats and B2B SEO trends that can help you get some insights into the industry. 

78. According to 57% of Enterprise brands, the biggest barrier to effective SEO is having few in-house SEO specialists. (Ascend2 Research)

79. At a CAGR of 18.4%, the market for search engine optimization services is projected to reach $146.96 billion in 2027. (The Business Research Company)

80. Compared to traditional advertising, SEO can result in cost savings of up to 87.4% on customer acquisition. (Terakeet)

81. According to 68% of marketers, SEO insights inform their paid search campaigns. (BrightEdge)

82. Though the time frame depends on several factors, on an average it takes 3-6 months for SEO to start delivering results. (Databox)

83. The average monthly retainer for SEO services in the United States ranges from $2,500 to $5,000. (Moz, 2020)

84. Long-tail keywords account for 70% of all web searches, making them crucial for B2B SEO strategies. (Ahrefs)

85. 93% of B2B marketers reported that SEO generates more leads than any other marketing initiative. (HubSpot)

86. 87% of B2B marketers say that improving technical SEO aspects, such as site structure and metadata, is important for driving organic traffic. (Statista, B2B Technical SEO Survey 2020)

87. B2B marketers allocate 45% of their marketing budget to digital marketing strategies, including SEO. (Marketing profs)

88. 88% of B2B marketers believe that featured snippets are an effective way to increase visibility in organic search results. (SEJ)

89. 76% of B2B marketers believe that user experience (UX) is a critical factor in driving organic search traffic and leads. (Forrester, B2B Marketing Report 2020)

90. B2B websites that load within 2 seconds have an average bounce rate of 9%, while those that take 5 seconds or more to load have a bounce rate of 38%. (Pingdom, Page Speed & Bounce Rate Study 2021)

91. 80% of B2B executives claim that their willingness to pay for SEO is instead determined by the expected return on investment from a campaign. (HubSpot)

92. Over 54% of enterprises outsource their SEO campaigns. (RevenueZen)

B2B SEO Tool Usage Statistics

B2B SEO Tools play a critical role in crafting a solid B2B SEO strategy. Here are a few insights into the usage of SEO tools.

93. Over 80% of companies surveyed use paid SEO tools while 17% of them use free tools only. (Databox

94. 46% of B2B marketers use tools for creating content, workflow, and collaboration tools. (Content Marketing Institute)

95. 80% of SEO professionals utilize Google’s SEO tools to collect data. (Databox)

96. According to 82% of marketers Ahrefs is the most popular link building tool. (Aira)

97. 72% of companies use Google Analytics, making it the most used SEO tool. Further, 49% of companies use Google Search Console, making it the second most used SEO tool. (Bloggingwizard)

98. According to a 2020 survey by SparkToro, 79% of SEO professionals use SEMrush, making it one of the most popular SEO tools in the industry. (SparkToro)

99. In a 2020 survey conducted by ContentKing, 69% of SEO professionals reported using Screaming Frog SEO Spider, a popular website crawler that helps with technical SEO audits. (ContentKing)

100. A 2019 study by G2 suggests that Moz Pro was being used by 53% of SEO professionals, making it a popular choice for B2B marketers. (G2)

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Technical B2B SEO Statistics 

Perhaps, the most neglected and underrated part of an SEO strategy is technical SEO. However, to emphasize on the significance of technical SEO, here are a few B2B technical SEO stats. 

101. 75% of B2B marketers consider site speed optimization as a critical technical SEO factor for improving search rankings. (Unbounce)

102. 80% of B2B marketers believe that mobile-responsiveness is essential for technical SEO due to the increasing use of mobile devices for B2B research. (Think with Google)

103. Over 50% of B2B marketers report that having a clean and crawlable site structure is essential for achieving better organic search rankings. (Deepcrawl)

104. 65% of B2B marketers agree that implementing structured data markup (Schema.org) can help improve search visibility and click-through rates. (SEJ)

105. 70% of B2B marketers identify duplicate content as a significant issue that can negatively impact search rankings. (SEMrush)

106. 62% of B2B marketers prioritize HTTPS implementation to improve website security, user trust, and search rankings. (Statista, HTTPS Adoption Survey 2020)

107. 54% of B2B marketers say that optimizing XML sitemaps is crucial for helping search engines crawl and index their websites more effectively. (Sistrix, Technical SEO Survey 2021)

108. 58% of B2B marketers consider fixing broken links and redirects an important aspect of technical SEO for improving organic search rankings. (Ahrefs, Broken Links Study 2020)

109. 47% of B2B marketers report that optimizing website images, including proper use of alt tags and image compression, is crucial for enhancing website performance and user experience. (OnCrawl)

110. 83% of B2B marketers agree that regular website audits, including checking for technical SEO issues, are essential for maintaining and improving search rankings. (ContentKing)

SERPs Statistics and Trends

If you are planning to build an effective SEO strategy, you must stay updated with a few common SERP statsitics and trends. So, check out these stats that we have compiled 👇

111. The average click-through rate for results on the second page of Google SERPs is only 1.5%. (Zero Limit Web)

112. The average Google search session, including clicking on a result from the SERP, lasts 76 seconds. (Moz

113. Local search results appear in 29% of Google SERPs, with 93% of those local results having the local pack feature. (BrightLocal)

114. The average Google search results page has 8.5 organic results, 3.4 paid results, and 1.1 featured snippets. (Moz)

115. The first organic result on the Google SERP receives 28.5% of all clicks. (Zero Limit Web)

116. Google holds a 92% share of the global search engine market. (StatCounter)

117. Search queries with question-based phrases have a 480% higher likelihood of having a featured snippet in the search results. (Moz)

118. Websites that rank in the top three positions on Google SERPs have an average of 45% more backlinks than those ranked in positions 4 to 6. (SEMrush)

119. 46% of all Google searches have a local intent, emphasizing the need for businesses to optimize for local SEO. (HubSpot)

120. The average load time for a webpage on the first page of Google search results is 2.4 seconds. (Backlinko)

121. The average click-through rate for Google Ads is 3.17% for search and 0.46% for display. (WordStream)

122. Google's "People Also Ask" feature appears in 43% of search results pages. (Moz 2021)

B2B SEO Statistics: Your Key to Building an Effective SEO Campaign

If you are here to achieve organic search supremacy, it is crucial to leverage the power of data to create the best SEO strategy for your business. 

This curated list of 100+ B2B SEO stats will help you create the SEO strategy that perfectly fits your business needs. 

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Jayakumar Muthusamy
Jayakumar Muthusamy
Jayakumar is the Co-Founder and Head of Revenue Operations at TripleDart, where he leads the development of scalable marketing engines and Marketing & Sales Operations for B2B businesses. Jayakumar is dedicated to helping B2B companies with demand generation and streamlining their sales processes to enhance sales closure rates.

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