SaaS Content Marketing
Content Writing Agency

The Complete Guide To SaaS Content Writing Agency

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Manoj Palanikumar
April 14, 2023
The Complete Guide To SaaS Content Writing Agency


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Writing is hard. Writing for B2B SaaS content is harder. SaaS is a complex concept in itself. A SaaS content writing agency’s job here is not only to break down complex concepts and terms into a simpler understandable format but to also ensure that the content stands out from your competitors and appeals to your target ICPs.

To produce content that shines throughout and converts, you have to find writers that are not only experienced but passionate in this niche.

Stay with us as we discuss and break down the complete process of B2B SaaS content writing.

What is a SaaS Content Writing Company?

SaaS content writing is the process of creating content through writing to express, educate and demonstrate how your product can solve the problems of your target audience or make their lives easier. It is a fundamental component of any SaaS marketing strategy. The content needs to highlight how and why your audience should use your product other than any alternatives.

A SaaS content writing company involves content writing to spread brand awareness, increase conversions, and grow their business revenue. The primary goal of the content is to attract your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), position your authority in the niche, demonstrate to prospects how your product works, and finally encourage the readers to take an action like signing up or booking a call

Let’s say you are a no-code SaaS platform that enables users to develop an application without learning any code. Assuming that all your prospects were already looking for or researching your product,  your content should trigger their curiosity and be informative enough, pushing your prospects to learn more and take action. You can highlight exclusive features of your product and how it is different from others, write a tutorial on how to build an application using no code, or mention the different types of applications that can be built using no code 

TripleDart Content Writing Services For SaaS Industry 

TripleDart offers comprehensive writing services to help you reach your full marketing and creative potential to convert prospects. Here is what we have to offer-

Blog/Article writing

A blog post or article typically covers a specific topic or query and is education. It may range from 600 to 2000+ words and contains other media types such as images, videos, infographics, and interactive charts. We focus on explaining the essence and functionality of SaaS products with simplicity and SEO-focused article writing for an impactful impression.

Ebook writing

Ebooks make great B2B SaaS lead magnets. Our qualified and experienced writers deliver long ebook content forms with finesse, breaking down complex concepts and terms into simple, understandable text. We not only create ebook content but also make sure that it reaches your audience on time.


SaaS copywriting is tricky and we know that. Our passionate and experienced writers take special care to understand your SaaS product and your audience to tap into their unique desires. We use the right words in the right way to trigger your audience’s attention, encouraging them to take action.

Technical writing

We have qualified and niche-based writers to make sure we deliver error-free content. Our technical writers work closely with your developers’ team to understand the nitty-gritty details of your product, new features, and so on. We put in the effort to understand and analyze your product and audience and deliver professional and technical content.

White Paper Writing

White papers are powerful B2B SaaS marketing tools that are long-form, educational, and full of research and data. We write our white papers in an authoritative, academic tone to suit your target audience, that rightfully demonstrate your company’s value, or present new research or thought leadership.

Website content writing

We as a B2B SEO agency try our best to engage your visitors with attractive and value-driven content. All our writers are trained to write sharp and crisp web content to encourage your visitors to take action.

Press Release Writing

Press releases are a great way to communicate to your media and your potential customers. Our writers take special care to present your brand features and capabilities in the correct light by presenting authentic and reliable information with eye-catching facts to engage readers.

Social media content writing

We curate and write social media content to attract the audience and drive their engagement.  We write to make an impact to help your business actually boost business results (leads, product signups)

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Process for SaaS Content Writing That Drives Results 

TripleDart’s writing strategy can be broken down into the following steps

Topic and keyword research

At first, we categorize our keywords into 4 key stages, so that we can understand where each query relates to the funnel. The stages are-

  • Informational intent: This involves searches that have a specific question or want to know more about a specific topic. Examples- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), broad topics related to your industry, answers related to common pain points.
  • Navigational intent: This involves searchers trying to find a specific website or page. Examples - brand name, product name.
  • Commercial intent: It is all about providing information about your product or offer to make your prospects convert. Examples - include the word ‘best’ in the search query, ‘alternative to’ queries, your company vs. a competitor, review from other users, product specifications, or other related details.
  • Transactional intent: It occurs when the searchers are on the verge of pulling the trigger and converting. Examples- price or pricing, free, discount, coupon.

Now we have a framework for categorizing each of our keywords according to the user’s search intent. It helps us ensure that we are curating the right content experience for our users.

Moving ahead, let’s get to know our keyword research method

1. Brainstorming sessions

We start by brainstorming a list of keywords that would fit into each of the above-mentioned categories. Later, we can analyze them in keyword research tools as well as the Google search console to validate their metrics and prioritize accordingly. We put ourselves in the shoes of the customers and think through their common pain points and wants.

2. Utilizing keyword research tools

We use different sets of tools like Ahrefs, Semrush for keyword research. We plug each of our keywords, analyze them and record the following metrics-

  • Monthly search volume (estimated number of times the keyword is searched each month)
  • Clicks (percentage of searches resulting in a click)
  • Keyword difficulty ( how difficult the term will be to rank for)

3. Reviewing Google Ads top-performers and your competitors

We thoroughly review Google Ad campaigns and other paid campaigns to get insights into what’s working and generating demand on the paid side. We go the extra mile to dig into our client’s ad campaigns to see where they are spending their paid marketing dollars to get an idea of the buzzwords.

4. Running a keyword competitive analysis

We run a competitor analysis, we can get an overall understanding of how your competitors are doing to build their organic profile. Using our research tools, we get can dig into a competitor’s profile like-

  • What are their traffic sources?
  • How and what are their targeted keywords?
  • What types of resources are they using to build backlinks?

SERP Analysis

SERP or search engine results page analysis is fundamental for

  • Understanding the search intent and the topics that need to be covered to rank for a given keyword.
  • Even if you curate a well-written piece, if the content doesn’t rank for its intended keyword, it won’t attract a steady flow of organic traffic to sustainably produce conversions over the long term.

This is how we perform SERP analysis for the intended content-

Reviewing the titles, page types, and sources of existing page one results

The title of your content and the page types disclose the types of content ranking for your keyword. What is the type of content created for targeted keywords? Are they ‘how to’ articles, landing pages, guides, or something else? The ranking already gives us an idea of what Google thinks is best for the targeted keyword. But this is not set in stone, if we feel we can meet the search intent better with another type of content, we still go for it. 

Reviewing the topics discussed inside of those posts or pages and identifying common themes

We scan through each of the results on the first page and take note of the information or topics discussed, especially those listed in subheadings. We identify the common themes and determine what needs to be covered in your post for it to rank.

Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of individual pages

Understanding what individual pages or articles do well and poorly will allow us to incorporate elements that we think to work well and eliminate the weak links. This also gives us insights into the ways we can differentiate our posts and create content that stands out from the rest.

Content Interviews

Our research process also includes interviews with our clients to ensure we deliver accurate, error-free and in-depth articles. This is necessary for- 

  • covering targeted topics extensively to rank in the desired SERP.
  • identifying unique content angles or points of originality,
  • highlighting the most relevant and compelling features of the product for the given topic.

Our interview questions are typically about-

  • pain points- challenges or problems faced by the customers
  • SERP topics- company’s perspective on what readers should know or understand about
  • product solutions and differentiators: specific or unique ways in which your product solves the customer pain points and how is it different from competitors.

We generally try to talk to as many people as possible like an in-house expert or product manager to gain deep insight into your product and company values. We try our best to tap into the expertise of people at our client’s companies to craft each content meticulously.

Choosing the Article Type and Structure

The type of content you are going to produce for a targeted keyword can play a major role in attracting and retaining an audience. For example, if the content asks for ‘best/top’ or ‘alternative’ keywords, you will see that most of the top-ranking content is in listicle format because that is the best way to satisfy the search intent.

When we are referring to the article’s structure, we mean the subtopics you will discuss in a piece of content (HI, H2, H3, H4) and the order in which they will appear. Let’s be frank here, people don’t read SaaS blog posts word for word like a novel, they will first scan through the subheadings, so we make sure to get that correct.

Typically, we decide on the information to be covered under each subheading before creating the content outline and writing an article.


After all, this is set up, we get to creating the content skeleton and outline, determining the information under each subheading and how to actually write it. While writing the content, we put in special effort to-

  • Getting the intro right-

Getting the perfect intro is the hardest part as it is the first thing your reader notices and decides on whether to continue or not. We pay close attention to making our introduction compelling, attractive, and straight to the point minus all the fluff.

  • Incorporating uniqueness-

We try to keep our topics and content specific and original to make the piece as unique as possible, regardless of whether it speaks to specific or general topics.

  • Attention to detail and backing up statements with compelling reasoning-

Writing content with a lot of vague statements is easy, but backing them up with reasons and examples needs special expertise. Whenever we write, we try to be specific by providing context and being thorough in our explanations.

  • Selling the product-

Whenever we write a SaaS blog piece or article, we discuss our client’s product and how it can solve the corresponding pain points of customers. Typically, we give CTAs at the end after delivering a product walkthrough that shows screenshots of various features and functionality, explaining how they solve the problem differently or better than other solutions.

Editing and On-Page SEO

We finally finish our writing process by polishing them off with an on-page SaaS SEO strategy. Our content piece goes through multiple rounds of reviews and edits, to make sure our end content satisfies our client. We also use various SEO tools to include as many relevant SEO keywords as possible. No, we don’t stuff keywords but take proper care to decide which keywords to include and which to leave without compromising the content quality.

Key Problems with the Typical Approach to SaaS Content Writing

There are different ways to write a SaaS article. But not everyone can deliver it meticulously. After reviewing several articles and resources, we have identified 4 key problems with the way content writing is typically approached in the SaaS industry-

1. More focus on the top-of-the-funnel topics

This is more a content strategy problem than a writing problem as the topics and SEO keywords are already predetermined by the strategist. To put it more clearly, the majority of content marketing strategist goes after high search volume, introductory, top-of-the-funnel topics.

We try to not do that. We start all work with our clients at the bottom of the funnel- focusing on search items we think that ‘ready to buy now’ prospects would Google. This is because they have way more chances of conversion than the top-of-funnel posts. 

SaaS companies that write on top of the funnel, typically write introductory topics that aren’t closely related to their product. This type of content does not demand much input from their company experts to produce content. 

For example, A product management SaaS company delivering yet another ‘Everything you need to know about product management’ won’t teach an experienced product manager anything they don’t already know.

2. Generic introductions

Writing introductions is probably the toughest part of writing an article. Writing generic introductions can cause readers to bounce, impacting the retention rate. Even if you have high-quality content throughout the body of the article, a bad introduction with ‘fluff’ can bore your audience even before getting into reading the whole piece.

3. Not discussing or selling the product enough

The problem with most SaaS writing is that companies focus content efforts on topics that have little to do with their product, so they don’t mention their product in their content. This is also to do with the mentality that the content is more about earning trust and generating brand awareness and less about selling their product.

SaaS businesses have to understand that to see actual ROI from their content marketing, they need to adopt the strategy of selling their product through their content. This goes for both bottom and top-of-funnel topics.

Blog Types That Convert Most Users for SaaS Products

Here are the top 3 blog types that are likely to convert the most

1. How-to Guides

How-to guides are an excellent way to capitalize on this by providing solutions to the most common problems faced by customers during their day-to-day operations. If you can figure out the core problems of your target audience, you can easily create a sequence of how-to guides that offer actionable solutions.

Let’s say you are a product management SaaS tool. In this case, your target audience may want to know more about the process of creating a Roadmap, how to manage feedback requests, and so on. After discovering the common problems of your target audience, you can create how-to guides around the topics.

2. Long-Form Blog Posts

Creating long-form blog posts makes perfect sense as it gives you a higher chance of ranking. Google loves it! You can start by curating content with detailed information on any given topic, covering every aspect of the topic, and answering any questions that your target audience may have.

You can also create long-form blog posts on topics that are likely to remain relevant for years to come. This will help you to generate a steady stream of organic traffic. Multiple studies have proven that long-form content always outperforms short-form content. For example, a study by SEMrush found that long-form content of over 7000 words can generate up to 4 times more traffic compared to content of 900-1200 words.

3. Comparison Posts

Comparison posts help potential customers make well-informed decisions and they are one of the highly recommended blog types to write for SaaS companies. Comparison posts usually compare two or more similar products with one another and evaluate them from different angles such as features specifications, pricing, and use cases. The primary goal of writing comparison blog posts is to influence your prospects to choose yours over others when researching their options in the market.

Best saas content writing companies 

1. TripleDart

TripleDart is a SaaS content marketing agency with a growth-driven approach that focuses on creating high-quality content to help your business attract ideal buyers. All content is carefully curated with a plan, well-researched, and optimized to help you acquire leads, build market awareness, and nurture opportunities.

Our primary goal is to

  • Provide data-driven SaaS content Strategies- We build smart content strategies that help businesses to convert more and improve acquisition rates.
  • Educate buyers- We ensure to provide buyers with the right information and solution to their problems with strong supporting evidence to influence their purchase decision.
  • Get more organic conversions- We align our content to your ICP’s needs to help your drive high-intent signups.
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2. Uplift Content

Uplift Content is one of the few SaaS content marketing agencies that offer blog writing as a standalone feature. They also create ebooks, case studies, and white papers. Uplift’s content creation is a 7 step process that includes topic ideation, two rounds of revision, SEO, image sourcing, and uploading to a CMS.

3. NoGood

NoGood is a SaaS content writing agency that focuses on growth marketing. They offer SEO, SEM/PPC, Social ads, performance branding, content marketing, video marketing, email marketing, SMS marketing, and CRO(conversion rate optimization). Apart from B2B SaaS, they also specialize in fintech, e-commerce, and healthcare.

4. Inturact

Inturact positions itself as the world’s first ‘product-led growth agency’ with the experience of running multiple SaaS growth campaigns. They employ their ‘SaaS Marketing Journey’ strategy that consists of 5 stages for turning website visitors into paid users. Blog writing is one of the many services they offer. Other services include SEO optimization, social media marketing, paid advertising, CRO, list segmentation, email marketing, webinars, surveys, testimonials, etc.

5. SimpleTiger

Simple Tiger is a SaaS content writing agency that is great at SEO and content marketing. They offer SEO, content marketing, link building, technical optimization, paid advertising, and keyword research. You can opt for content marketing as a standalone solution, but this does not include blog writing.

Wrapping up

If you are still reading this, congratulate us on doing a good job! The fact that we have managed to keep you reading and engaged for this long isn't by accident. As we have discussed previously, we curate our content meticulously and with an effort to give our readers the best value for their time.

Contact us now if we have managed to convince you!

Manoj Palanikumar
Manoj Palanikumar
Manoj, with over 9 years of experience, has had the privilege of working with and advising more than 50 B2B SaaS brands. Specializing in organic growth strategies, Manoj has consistently driven predictable pipelines and revenue for his clients. As a growth advisor, he has helped B2B brands achieve sustainable, long-term growth through SEO, content, and organic strategies. His expertise has been sought by renowned brands such as Zoho, Glean, Helpshift, Monograph, HowNow, and many others, enhancing their organic acquisition and revenue.

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