MoEngage skyrocketed their Pipeline by 56% while slashing their CPL by 33% via custom strategies

Increase in Pipeline generated


increase in Pipeline


increase in leads


decrease in CPC


decrease in CPL

Table of Contents

MoEngage is an insights-led, AI-powered customer engagement platform for the customer-obsessed marketers and product teams. The platform helps with analysing customer behavior and engaging them with personalised communication across different channels. MoEngage partnered with TripleDart to build custom strategies for their Paid efforts and execute them for improved pipeline generation.

The goal was to tap on varied Paid Search and Paid Social channels and implement a feasible strategy that drives better results with minimal spend. We targeted varied geographies from the UK, US and EU to SEA. MoEngage doubled the leads generated and increased the pipeline by 56% just from EU between Q1 and Q2. To arrive here, the TripleDart team ironed out varied assets including Ad copies and Landing pages to align with the keyword themes, this leveraged better CTRs.

We are ardent believers of ‘there’s no cookie-cutter approach to SaaS growth 'so, we constantly optimise our campaigns to leverage best performance. For MoEngage, we monitored the fluctuations closely and used maximum conversion for Competitor campaigns, this generated highly qualified leads with shorter sales cycles. On the other hand, when reducing the spend became a priority, we highlighted product campaigns, this reduced the CPL thereby, contributing to increase in pipeline at a minimum spend.


MoEngage reached out to TripleDart while they were still making maiden attempts to crack the US and EU regions. We analysed the existing campaigns and noticed that,

  • Campaigns lacked hygiene in terms of structuring
  • Copies were not aligned per Problem-Solution-CTA
  • No predictability on the performance of Campaigns


  • Numerous idle keywords with no conversions
  • CPL was way higher, largely due to lower CVR
  • Ad strength and CTRs were quite low due to the copies

Strategy :

The TripleDart team identified these challenges and

  • Performed a complete Audit which helped to identify idle keywords that was exhausting the spend with no actual conversions/SQLs
  • Paused some low-performing campaigns or moved them to other ad groups based on their significance
  • Implemented Multi-touch attribution analysis for brand campaigns to understand holistic performance.
  • Campaign Restructuring based on Seasonality & Volume
  • Gauged Manual vs Automated Bidding strategies
  • Launched Performance Midcampaign to accelerate lead flow

‘Data-driven performance marketing agency specialised for B2B SaaS.

Working with TripleDart has made a measurableimpact on our performance campaigns. Theagency has been a strong partner for MoEngage,helping to drive growth and deliver significantresults. Their team is insightful, analytical andvery passionate about B2B SaaS. I would highlyrecommend TDD as a trusted partner.’

Arti Dinesh Prasad
Director - Digital Marketing, MoEngage

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