B2B Lead Generation Tools by Type, and how to choose the right fit

Shiyam Sunder
February 28, 2023


Key Takeaways

In today's digital landscape, the demand for effective B2B lead generation tools is at an all-time high. With more and more businesses competing for the attention of potential customers, it's essential for B2B organizations to choose the right tools to stay ahead of the curve. Whether you're a small startup looking to make your mark or an established enterprise seeking to take your lead generation to the next level, having the right tools in your arsenal is key.

In this blog, we dive into the best B2B lead generation tools by type, from lead capture forms and email marketing to B2B account-based marketing and sales intelligence. We'll provide you with an in-depth look at each tool and highlight the key features, benefits, and drawbacks. By the end of this blog, you'll have all the information you need to make a well-informed decision and choose the right B2B lead gen software for your business.

The world of B2B lead generation software is constantly evolving, and having the right tools is essential for staying ahead of the competition. Whether you're looking to improve your lead generation processes, streamline your marketing and sales activities, or simply grow your business, the right B2B lead gen tools can help you achieve your goals. So let's get started and find the perfect tools for your business!

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What are the types of B2B lead generation?

Think of lead generation as a way for companies to find people who might be interested in buying their products or services. To do this, they use different tools that help them reach out to these people, also known as leads.

Outbound lead generation is when a company sends messages to people to try and get their attention. This could be through email, phone calls, or even direct mail. The company is reaching out to leads who might not have heard of them yet.

Inbound lead generation is the opposite. This is when people come to the company, usually through their website, and ask for more information or to be contacted. The company didn't have to go looking for these leads; they came to the company.

Finally, there's nurturing lead generation. This is when a company takes the leads they've found and helps them move closer to making a purchase. This could be through follow-up emails, special offers, or even just answering questions. The goal is to help the lead make a decision and become a customer.

Top tools for generating outbound leads

Lead databases: These are databases that contain information on potential leads, such as names, contact information, and demographic data.

Email finder tools: These are B2B linkedin lead generation tools that help you find email addresses for potential leads.

Contact enrichment tools: These are tools that help you gather additional information about your leads, such as job title, company size, and location.

Landing pages: Landing pages are standalone web pages that are specifically designed to capture leads. They often include forms that potential leads can fill out to request more information or sign up for a newsletter.

Sales automation tools: These are tools that automate repetitive tasks, such as emailing and follow-up, so that sales teams can focus on more high-value activities

Lead magnets: Lead magnets are free resources or incentives offered in exchange for contact information, such as ebooks, webinars, or free trials.

Social media: Social media platforms, such as LinkedIn and Twitter, can be used to identify and engage with potential leads.

Google AdWords: Google AdWords can be used to drive traffic to landing pages and generate leads through online advertising.

Top tools for generating inbound leads

Content Marketing: This involves creating and publishing valuable content (such as blog posts, whitepapers, and ebooks) to attract and engage potential leads.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This involves optimizing your website and content to rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for potential leads to find you.

Landing pages: As mentioned in my previous answer, landing pages are standalone web pages that are specifically designed to capture leads. They often include forms that potential leads can fill out to request more information or sign up for a newsletter.

Pop-ups and lead forms: Pop-ups and lead forms can be added to your website to prompt visitors to provide their information in exchange for a lead magnet or other incentive.

Chatbots: Chatbots are automated saas lead generation tools that can answer questions and provide information to website visitors in real-time, helping to capture leads and improve the overall user experience.

Social media: Social media platforms can be used to share content and interact with potential leads, driving traffic to your website and generating SaaS leads.

Marketing Automation: Marketing automation tools can help you automate and streamline various marketing tasks, such as email marketing and lead nurturing, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your lead generation efforts.

Top tools for nurturing leads

Email marketing: Email marketing allows you to send targeted and personalized messages to your leads, keeping them engaged and building relationships.

Marketing automation: Marketing automation tools can help you automate and streamline various saas lead generation and nurturing tasks, such as email campaigns, lead scoring, and personalization, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your lead nurturing efforts.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software: CRM software allows you to manage your interactions and communications with leads, as well as track their activities and progress through the buying journey.

Lead scoring: Lead scoring involves assigning scores to leads based on their level of engagement and interest, allowing you to prioritize your follow-up and focus your efforts on the most promising leads.

Landing pages: Landing pages can be used to capture leads and provide them with relevant and valuable information that will help move them further along in the buying journey.

Webinars and demos: Webinars and product demos allow you to demonstrate your product or service and educate your leads, building trust and establishing your expertise.

Chatbots: Chatbots can be used to provide quick answers and engage with leads in real-time, helping to keep them interested and engaged.

Top B2B Lead Gen Software for 2023

Best Lead Database - ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo is a sales intelligence tool that provides detailed business information to drive insight-driven engagement and lead generation campaigns. 


1. Comprehensive Data: ZoomInfo provides an extensive database of businesses and professionals, including contact information, company size, job title, and more. This allows you to identify and target your ideal customers more effectively.

2. Advanced Search Functionality: ZoomInfo's search functionality is robust and user-friendly, making it easy to find the information you need. You can search by company, industry, location, and more.

3. Integrations: ZoomInfo integrates with popular sales and marketing tools, such as Salesforce, Marketo, and Pardot, which can improve your workflow and help you get the most out of your data.

4. Data Accuracy: ZoomInfo is known for its high data accuracy, which means you can rely on the information provided to be up-to-date and correct.


1. Cost: ZoomInfo is a premium service, and its pricing can be higher than other lead generation tools.

2. Data Privacy: Some users have raised concerns about data privacy and security with ZoomInfo, as the platform collects and sells large amounts of personal and business information.

3. Limited Free Trial: ZoomInfo offers a free trial, but it is limited in scope, and you may not be able to access all of the features and data you need to evaluate the tool effectively.


ZoomInfo offers a free trial upto

Best Email Finder Tool -  Snov.io 

Snov.io is a popular email outreach and LinkedIn B2B lead generation tool that can help you reach out to your target audience and generate leads. 


1. Email Verification: Snov.io’s email verification feature ensures that your emails are delivered to the right people and the email list is up-to-date.

2. Personalization: Snov.io makes it easy to personalize your emails with variables such as the recipient's name and company, increasing the chances of your emails being read and acted upon.

3. Email Tracking: Email tracking features that allow you to see who has opened your emails, clicked on links, and more, giving you valuable insights into the success of your campaigns.

4. Automation: Offers automation features, including email sequences and follow-up reminders, which can save you time and help you be more efficient.


1. User-Friendliness: Some users have reported that Snov.io can be difficult to use and navigate, especially for those who are new to email marketing tools.

2. Limited Integrations: Snov.io integrates with a limited number of tools and platforms, which may not be suitable for businesses that use multiple tools and need to automate workflows.

3. Limited Reporting: While Snov.io includes some reporting features, it may not be as comprehensive as other email marketing tools and may not provide all the data and insights you need to evaluate the success of your campaigns.


Snov.io’s plans start from $39 per month, with different features and limits. They also offer a free plan with limited features and usage.

Best Landing Page Builder - Unbounce

Unbounce Pricing, Features, Reviews & Alternatives<!-- --> | GetApp

Unbounce offers 100+ high-converting landing page templates to convert your visitors to customers. With its Smart Builder, you get data-backed recommendations on the landing page templates that work best in your industry. 


1. Customization: Unbounce provides a range of customization options, allowing you to create unique and visually appealing landing pages that match your brand.

2. Conversion-Focused: Unbounce is designed to be conversion-focused, with features such as A/B testing, dynamic text replacement, and lead generation forms, which can help you optimize your landing pages for conversions.

3. User-Friendly: Unbounce is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, with a drag-and-drop interface and a range of templates and themes to choose from.

4. Integration: Unbounce integrates with a range of tools and platforms, including marketing automation, analytics, and CRM platforms, making it easier for you to track and manage your campaigns.


1. Limited Design Flexibility: While Unbounce provides a range of customization options, some users have reported that it may not be as flexible as other landing page builders, especially for more complex designs.

2. Price: Unbounce can be more expensive than other landing page builders, with pricing starting from $79 per month for the basic plan.


Unbounce offers plans from $79 per month, with different features and limits. They also offer a 14-day free trial for new users.

Best Sales Automation Tool - Hubspot Sales Hub

Hubspot Sales Hub supercharges your sales process with an easy-to-use sales CRM that includes sales engagement tools, configure-price-quote (CPQ) functionality, and robust sales analytics for growing teams. Sales Hub empowers sales teams to get richer insights, warmer leads, and aligned enablement materials to maximum operational efficiency. 


1. Integration: Hubspot Sales Hub integrates with other Hubspot products, as well as with a range of other tools and platforms, including email, CRM, and marketing automation tools, making it easier to manage your sales process and track your results.

2. Lead Management: Hubspot Sales Hub provides a range of lead management tools, including lead tracking, lead nurturing, and lead scoring, which can help you prioritize and follow up with your best leads.

3. Sales Automation: Hubspot Sales Hub includes sales automation features, such as email tracking, meeting scheduling, and deal management, which can help you streamline your sales process and increase your efficiency.

4. Analytics: Hubspot Sales Hub provides analytics and reporting tools that can help you track your sales performance, measure the success of your campaigns, and identify areas for improvement.


1. Price: Hubspot Sales Hub can be more expensive than other sales software solutions, with pricing starting from $50 per user per month.

2. Complexity: Hubspot Sales Hub can be complex to set up and use, especially for smaller businesses or teams that may not have the resources or technical expertise to fully utilize all of its features.


In terms of pricing, Hubspot Sales Hub offers a range of plans, starting from $50 per user per month, with different features and limits. They also offer a free trial for new users.

Best Lead Magnet - Attract.io

Attract.io is a free lead magnet idea generator and helps you create your lead magnet in minutes. Just pick a lead magnet type, customize it, and share it across to garner leads. 


1. Lead Generation: Attract.io provides a range of lead generation features, including lead magnets, landing pages, and opt-in forms, which can help you attract and convert leads.

2. Customization: Attract.io provides a range of customization options, allowing you to create lead magnets that match your brand and resonate with your target audience.

3. Analytics: Attract.io provides analytics and reporting tools that can help you track the performance of your lead magnets and identify areas for improvement.

4. Integration: Attract.io integrates with a range of tools and platforms, including marketing automation, analytics, and CRM platforms, making it easier to manage and track your leads.


1. Limited Features: Some users have reported that Attract.io may not provide as many features as other lead magnet tools, especially for more advanced users or businesses.

2. Price: Attract.io can be more expensive than other lead magnet tools, with pricing starting from $49 per month for the basic plan.


Attract.io offers a range of plans, starting from $49 per month and offers a free trial for new users.

Best Pop-up Builder - Wisepops

Wisepops Pricing, Features, Reviews & Alternatives<!-- --> | GetApp

Wisepops makes it super easy to send multiple personalized messages. Be it a product launch, promotions, or editorial content, Wisepops simplifies personalized messages with custom-built design templates. 


1. Customization: Wisepops provides a range of customization options, allowing you to create pop-ups that match your brand and resonate with your target audience.

2. Targeting: Wisepops provides advanced targeting options, allowing you to show pop-ups to specific segments of your audience based on factors such as location, device, and behavior.

3. Analytics: Wisepops provides analytics and reporting tools that can help you track the performance of your pop-ups and identify areas for improvement.

4. Integration: Wisepops integrates with a range of tools and platforms, including marketing automation, analytics, and e-commerce platforms, making it easier to manage and track your pop-ups.


1. Limited Features: Some users have reported that Wisepops may not provide as many features as other pop-up builder tools, especially for more advanced users or businesses.

2. Price: Wisepops can be more expensive than other pop-up builder tools, with pricing starting from $25 per month for the basic plan.


Wisepops offers a free trial for 14 days and its plans start from $25 per month

Best Chatbot - Gupshup 

Gupshup is a cloud-based conversational AI platform that enables businesses to build, deploy, and manage chatbots for lead generation. Gupshup chatbots can be integrated into various communication channels such as websites, mobile apps, and messaging platforms, providing businesses with a conversational interface for engaging with potential customers.


1. Ease of use: Gupshup's platform is user-friendly and requires no coding knowledge, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes and technical abilities.

2. Customizable: Gupshup offers a range of customization options, including the ability to create custom workflows, integrations with CRM systems, and AI-powered language models.

3. Scalability: Gupshup's platform can handle high volumes of chats, making it suitable for businesses looking to scale their lead generation efforts.


1. Limited AI capabilities: While Gupshup offers AI-powered language models, these models may not be as sophisticated as those offered by other conversational AI platforms.

2. Dependence on human support: Some businesses may find that they need to supplement their chatbots with human support to handle more complex queries or objections.


Gupshup offers a free trial for upto 200 messages and its model is customized according to requirements. 

Best Marketing Automation Tool - Hubspot Marketing Hub

Hubspot Marketing Hub is a comprehensive inbound marketing software that helps businesses attract, engage, and delight customers. It provides a range of tools for various marketing activities, including email marketing, lead generation, landing pages, and analytics.


1. All-in-one platform: Hubspot Marketing Hub provides a range of marketing tools in a single platform, making it easier for businesses to manage their marketing activities from one place.

2. Comprehensive analytics: Hubspot Marketing Hub provides detailed analytics on marketing performance, making it easier for businesses to measure the success of their marketing campaigns.

3. Easy to use: Hubspot Marketing Hub has a user-friendly interface and provides a range of templates and resources to help businesses get started quickly.


1. Cost: Hubspot Marketing Hub can be more expensive than other marketing automation tools, particularly for businesses with a large number of contacts.

2. Steep learning curve: While Hubspot Marketing Hub is user-friendly, it can take time to fully understand and utilize all of its features and capabilities.


Plans start at $50 per month for the basic plan and go up to $3,200 per month for the enterprise plan. The exact pricing will depend on the number of contacts and the features required.

Best Customer Relationship Management Software - ZohoCRM

Zoho CRM is a cloud-based customer relationship management platform that helps businesses manage their sales, marketing, and customer support activities. Also known as the best linkedin B2B lead gen tool, it provides a range of tools for lead generation, including lead capture forms, lead scoring, and email marketing.


1. Affordable: Zoho CRM is one of the more affordable CRM solutions on the market, making it a good option for businesses with limited budgets.

2. Integrations: Zoho CRM integrates with a range of other Zoho and third-party applications, making it easy for businesses to connect their lead generation efforts with other marketing and sales activities.

3. Customizable: Zoho CRM is highly customizable, with a range of options for customizing workflows, fields, and reports.


1. Steep learning curve: Zoho CRM can be difficult for non-technical users to set up and use, with a steep learning curve for some of its more advanced features.

2. Limited reporting: While Zoho CRM provides basic reporting features, businesses looking for more advanced reporting capabilities may need to supplement the platform with additional tools.


Plans start at $12 per month per user for the standard plan and go up to $35 per month per user for the enterprise plan. The exact pricing will depend on the number of users, features required, and volume of contacts.

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Generate leads without spending much time on the right tool

Choosing the right B2B lead generation tools can make a huge impact on the success of your business. However, with so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Instead of selecting tools by type, consider partnering with a B2B lead generation agency like Tripledart.

Tripledart offers a comprehensive solution tailored to your unique needs, leveraging our expertise and resources to help you unleash the full potential of B2B lead generation. From lead capture forms and email marketing to account-based marketing and sales intelligence, our B2B lead generation agency can help you implement the right tools and processes to attract and engage potential customers, drive conversions, and grow your business.

Our innovative approach to B2B lead generation, combined with their deep understanding of the latest technologies and best practices, makes us the ideal partner for businesses looking to take their lead generation to the next level.

So why wait? Book a discovery call with our experts today and watch your business thrive!

Shiyam Sunder
Shiyam Sunder
Co- Founder | Tripledart - Growth Startups

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