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Enterprise PPC Management

Enterprise PPC Management And Services: All You Need To Know

Looking for a tailor-made enterprise PPC strategy?
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May 3, 2023
Enterprise PPC Management And Services: All You Need To Know


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89% of SaaS companies indicate that new customer acquisition is a top priority, making the industry more competitive.

This means outshining your competitors and staying visible can be harder than you think.

But it doesn’t have to be if you know how to focus your effort on creating compelling enterprise PPC management strategies.

Stay with us as we take you through the concept of enterprise PPC management and discuss strategies that actually work.

What is Enterprise PPC?

Enterprise PPC includes services like website design and development, social media marketing, social media marketing, branding strategy, search engine optimization, lead generation, and more. These services are typically offered by enterprise PPC agencies and use a method of advertising that uses the paid search features on websites. 

If you are completely new to the concept, let us break it down. PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click and is a model in which advertisers only pay when they get clicks (results). Enterprise PPC ads come in different shapes and sizes and can comprise of text, images, videos, or a combination. They can appear on social media platforms, search engines, websites, and more.

This is what it looks like

Enterprise PPC Management  

Enterprise PPC management involves managing and optimizing large-scale PPC campaigns for businesses with huge online advertising budgets.

Effective PPC management revolves around several interconnected subjects that include-

Keyword analysis: Identifying and targeting specific keywords and search queries that prospective customers will likely enter.

Channel analysis: Google AdWords, Bing Ads, affiliate networks, and paid social media placements are some of the important channels for PPC marketing.

Monitoring: Constantly monitoring search term reports closely to learn which keywords/queries are most often used to focus their buys on the most common searches.

Competitive analysis: Monitoring and evaluating tactics and strategies utilized by competitors. For example, deciding whether to compete directly by bidding on the same queries or instead target queries a competitor is overlooking (competitive gap).

Negative match: Optimizing ad spend by filtering out users who match a category but are unlikely to convert. 

A/B Testing: Split testing is one of the most effective methods for optimizing PPC ROI. Enterprise PPC agencies use text, graphics, and other displays interchangeably to find the most effective method.

What is The Goal of Enterprise PPC?

A SaaS PPC agency can help you achieve all your marketing goals, not just profits. An enterprise digital marketing agency will help your business get the correct brand exposure, leads, content downloads, contests, newsletter sign-ups, website traffic, and of course conversions

While strategizing for campaigns, it is important to identify your personal company objectives and how they relate to PPC. For example, one company may want more traffic on its website, while another may be looking for a huge sales push.

Here are some examples of some important goals:

Rise in traffic

If you are a new business, the most important thing in the initial stages is to build a brand and bring your face into the public eye. PPC is a great choice for this goal as everything is highly measurable by setting KPIs and measuring clicks. You can also take a step further by measuring the user paths after they visit your website and make adjustments using that data.

Lead conversion

Doesn’t matter if they are short or long-term; PPC campaigns can generate a huge amount of leads. The key here is to measure the users who land on your website via a PPC link, funnel them into various conversions, and then strategize to turn the lead into a sale. Focus on creating a compelling call to action on your landing page to push consumers through the sales funnel.

Building Brand Awareness  

Display ads are one of the most effective ways to have your brand appear on specific websites relevant to your industry. This helps get your brand visibility and implant your brand into the minds of consumers. You can thereafter track impressions, engagement, reach & frequency.

Generate Revenue 

PPC ads are effective because they target people who are interested in your product. You must use more specific high-priced words if generating revenue is one of your goals. The premium can be expensive but may be a worthwhile investment if you get the deal. You need a long-term plan and strategy tailored to your specific market and budget.

How to Manage Enterprise PPC Campaigns?

An enterprise ABM agency helps companies target specific audiences and quickly drive website traffic.  Here are some ways how a SaaS PPC agency can help you manage enterprise PPC campaigns-

Strategy Planning

An efficient enterprise PPC management system involves developing a comprehensive plan for the campaign, including goals, target audience, messaging, and budget.  Agencies that provide enterprise PPC services focus on delivering data-driven strategy, focusing on ROI and other key performance indicators (KPIs).

Campaign Setup and Execution

Once you have developed your strategy, you must set up and execute the campaign. To put it more clearly, you must start by selecting the right platforms (such as Google Ads or Bing Ads), creating ad groups and campaigns, choosing keywords and targeting options, and creating ad copy and creativity.

Data Analysis and Optimization

Data analysis and optimization are critical elements for making any PPC campaign successful. This is especially true for large-scale campaigns. Using an enterprise marketing agency like TripleDart is a smart option here. They use advanced analytics tools to track campaign performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven optimization to improve ROI and other KPIs.

Reporting and Communication

Effective communication and reporting are key to efficient PPC management.  A good enterprise PPC agency will provide regular reports on campaign performance and communicate any changes or updates to the strategy or execution plan. This helps ensure that everyone involved in the campaign is on the same page and works collaboratively to achieve the campaign’s goals.

Scalability and Flexibility

As your business grows and evolves, your enterprise PPC management strategy must be flexible and scalable enough to adapt to the changing needs and strategize accordingly. You should be able to adjust campaigns quickly and efficiently to meet changing business needs.

Enterprise PPC Management Strategies 

We have carefully curated 9 effective PPC management strategies for you to help you plan better-

1. Leverage multiple platforms for advertisement

Online advertising on Google Ads is smart. It can help your company reach a massive audience encompassing millions of people, including those in your target market. Having said that, limiting your business to only Google Ads would not be the wisest decision.

Don’t forget there are other platforms, too, like social media networks which can turn out to be equally effective, if not more. Facebook is a go-to social media site for companies looking to build brand awareness, improve customer loyalty, or generate sales. You can try researching the ad networks available and see if any align with your PPC strategy and goals.

For example, Dropbox uses great ads to show it can help a customer. All the ads are visually appealing, and some are animated as well. Animated ads quickly catch customers' eyes as they scroll through their feeds.

2. Launch a remarketing campaign

Remarketing or retargeting is a common digital marketing practice where you remarket your business to people that interact with your website. It is like stalking- but smart and LEGAL.

Using the remarketing strategy can help you in 3 major ways-

  • Targeting almost every target audience at every stage.
  • Targeting more personalized ads to consumers that are more relevant to timely enhances the online experience.
  • Increased revenue with high ROI.

Using remarketing to retarget a website visitor, let’s say someone who browsed a product page, has a 70% chance that they are more likely to purchase your product than a competitor’s.


Once you build your audience, you can make a remarketing campaign in Google Ads with the help of an enterprise PPC agency if you are unfamiliar with it. However, for your remarketing campaign to launch, you will need a specific number of users in your audience. You can also create remarketing campaigns on other ad networks, but Google Ads is usually a more common choice for businesses for its massive reach.

3. Use ad extensions

If you already have a history of online advertising, ad extensions aren’t a new addition to your PPC strategy. Google Ad extensions allow you to add snippets of additional information to your ad.

A few examples of ad extensions in Google Ads include:

  • Adding a message extension to allow mobile users to text your team. You can set up a designated phone number or email address and set up automated responses as well.
  • Using a price extension to provide users with additional information about your products, prices, and product options. You can also update your price extensions without fuss and make it convenient for users to shop with your business.
  • Adding multiple landing pages, each with its heading and description. You don’t know whether Google will show your ad with this extension, but it can increase your CTR significantly if they do.

Sounds like a safe bet. Isn’t it?

In the example below, Monday.com sends users to their pricing page, a product page showcasing over 200 free templates, client testimonials, and a list of native integrations. They have targeted some core concerns users might have during their buying process. This surely works for us!

4. Create mobile-first landing pages

More than half (58.33 %) of the world's internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Hence, designing mobile-first landing pages regarding your enterprise PPC strategy only makes sense. Your ads may display on smartphones and tablets with no issue, but not having a mobile-specific landing page can diminish the user experience.

Have a look at how Shopify created a landing page for people to download its Future of Commerce report. When the page loads on mobile, you see how clear, simple, and straightforward it is- using just one CTA.

What’s great about this mobile landing page is that the CTA uses a big distinguished button, ensuring that users are not frustrated or don’t click the wrong button. 

5. Try lookalikes and similar audiences

You can try lookalike audiences on Facebook and similar audiences on Google Ads if you want innovative PPC strategies. Even if available on different platforms, both audience types help your business reach users similar to your existing followers, customers, or website visitors.

Facebook and Google Ads automate most of the audience creation process, only requiring your team to provide the initial data, and it doesn’t even take that long. it allows your business to take your audience targeting to an unmatched depth and accuracy. Combining similar audiences with a display remarketing campaign can boost your conversion rate by more than 40%

6. Set your advertising budget right

Your company will not get the results you want with a barely-there ad spend. However, this doesn't mean you must design an over-the-top expensive budget to succeed at PPC. All you need is a realistic budget designed with careful considerations that involve researching your industry's averages, like the average cost-per-click (CPC) for ads.

Researching other companies' sectors spent on PPC advertising will help you build an accurate budget for your business. Based on the findings, you can also support your budget request or recommendation to company decision-makers.

7. Create a compelling, benefit-rich ad copy

All enterprise PPC services need to focus on creating a top-notch ad copy. You get only a few seconds to attract your audience to your ad copy. If your headline or description of multimedia doesn’t look appealing, users will scroll past it without having a second look.

Here are some useful tips for creating attractive ad copy

  • Highlight your value proposition or any other information that makes your business unique.
  • Include powerful CTAs that are straightforward, like ‘Buy now’, ‘Sign up”, or ‘Apply. now’.
  • Ensure landing pages deliver what the ad copy says.
  • Focus more on benefits rather than the features of your product or service.
  • If your in-house marketing team lacks professionals to write ad copy, collaborate with an enterprise PPC agency to deliver effectively.

Have a look at this Facebook ad by Slack. It is fun, catchy, and incredibly relevant. The text is minimal and easy to read but communicates important and valid points focusing on key champion words: simpler, pleasant, and productive. The emojis make the image fun and bright. And the clear and specific messaging - reducing your email by 48.6%- wins for us.

8. Use responsive search and display ads

Your business can take advantage of both responsive display ads and responsive search ads with Google Ads. A responsive ad helps your company automate parts of your PPC strategy, and you also get to leverage the machine learning power of Google Ads.

You can create dozens of ad combinations and gather critical data about their performance as Google Ads delivers them to users. With the help of that data, Google Ads discovers which ad combinations perform the best.

Google Ads also offers great flexibility when it comes to experimenting with ad copy and images, as you can submit multiple headlines and descriptions for Google to test.

9. Embrace A/B testing

Even after you launch your ads, most PPC experts recommend monitoring your ad performance weekly while emphasizing the necessity of A/B testing your ads. Google Ads also allows your business to create experiments.

Your business can test a variety of factors with experimentation, including:

  • Bids
  • Audience targeting
  • Location targeting
  • And more

You can then compare your experiment’s performance with your control group. The data allows your business to make a data-driven decision regarding optimizing and improving your PPC strategy. You aren’t just guessing but pulling actual data from your audience to guide your choice.

What to Expect from An Enterprise PPC Agency?

An enterprise PPC agency understands that teams must stay on top of the latest trends and tactics to remain effective. They have account representatives who are experts in their field who typically have access to systems that help them increase overall effectiveness for clients.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for PPC management. If you are looking for an enterprise PPC agency, here is what you must do-

1. Prepare a list of goals and objectives

Before beginning your PPC agency search, make sure you are clear about what you want to achieve, whether it’s building brand awareness, fueling your pipeline, increasing conversions, or improving online revenue. The more specific you are about your objectives, the better your chance of partnering with the right enterprise ABM agency.

2. Identify what kind of PPC services you need

When contacting the enterprise PPC agency, ensure they have experience with the services you need. You may want to rule out any enterprise PPC services focusing on only one area, such as SEO. An enterprise PPC agency that integrates paid search with other online marketing services can work much better with you to a higher degree and help you understand customer behavior across various digital channels.

Here are some of the services that an enterprise PPC agency typically offers

  • Paid search (SEM, PPC)
  • Content marketing
  • Conversion rate optimization
  • SEO
  • Social media advertising/paid social
  • Shopping feeds
  • Display advertising
  • Remarketing/retargeting

3. Prepare a budget

You should have a ballpark in mind for what you can spend with an enterprise PPC agency, whether a percentage of your overall marketing budget or based on past ad spend.

Here are some questions you can ask to determine if there are a fit-

  • Is the budget adequate to obtain our objectives? 
  • Is PPC the best solution for our goals? 
  • Will our funds be better spent on different channels? 
  • Are there more effective solutions that align with our budget while increasing ROI? 

4. Know the PPC agency’s pricing structure 

Here are some important points to consider when it comes to pricing and budgetary requirements-

  • Flat monthly fee
  • Percentage of the advertising spend
  • Hybrid approach

Some important questions to ask-

  • What deliverables are included in the services you’re signing up for? 
  • Are there any hidden fees? 
  • Will you need to hire additional resources to get the job done? 

5. Know their communication style

Discuss your expectations in terms of communication to ensure you stay on the same path throughout your collaboration.

Is receiving a weekly email with updates enough, or do you prefer a phone call? Do you want specific information in the reports?

The PPC agency should make its preferences regarding communication clear. How regularly are meetings and updates scheduled? Is the whole team involved, or just the account manager?

Finally, don’t forget to discuss what the agency needs from you and their expectations. Will they partner with you to strategize and execute or simply provide recommendations for your team? When both sides communicate clearly, the partnership can proceed more smoothly.

6. Prepare strategic questions for choosing the right enterprise PPC agency

Having a handful of specific questions ready will allow you to be very specific and clarify any vague or broad information-

Questions you can consider asking include:

  • How would you ensure our leads result in revenue for the company?
  • What successes have you had in our industry before? Can you share some use cases?
  • What is your long-term plan to drive value for us?
  • How would you report on monthly or quarterly results?

How Can TripleDart Help to Manage Your Enterprise PPC Campaigns?

TripleDart is an enterprise PPC agency that can help you increase ROI and drive more relevant traffic to your website. Working with TripleDart will give you access to an entire paid search analyst team. Our experienced and expert analysts specialize in numerous areas of PPC, including search ads and displaying advertising on Google, Bing, and other platforms that you use.

Book an intro call now!

Sabari, a co-founder and Head of Paid Media at Tripledart, leads a team of performance marketers dedicated to helping startups and scaleups achieve their T2D3 goals. With experience working with over 70 B2B SaaS companies, Sabari has driven impressive results, such as a 4X increase in ARR through paid acquisition for Growth Nirvana, a 164% increase in deal pipeline using paid search for Apty, and a 48% reduction in CPL using custom strategies for Emitrr.

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