Case Studies

SaaS SEO Case Studies: Customize Your Strategy to Meet Business Goals

Manoj Palanikumar
September 8, 2024
SaaS SEO Case Studies: Customize Your Strategy to Meet Business Goals


Key Takeaways

It’s a story as old as the time- marketing leaders are asked to justify every spend, every campaign and A/B test with ROI. They’re always running a tight ship, spending every resource stringently. 

The new security and privacy laws haven’t made it any easier on them. With restricted cookie settings, paid ads have become far less targeted. It costs much more to run paid campaigns now than ever before. 

In times like these, SEO is the most cost effective marketing channel for lean teams on a tight budget. But while SEO doesn’t involve direct financial expenses, it is an effort intensive process and requires a dedicated team and time to see results. The downside to this is that you spend months working on one strategy or playbook before you find out if it works or not. 

And that’s where most marketing teams bear the brunt. Most teams end up treating SaaS SEO playbooks as one size fits all- making the mistake of looking at successful brands with high website authority to form their strategy or lazily copy-pasting their competitors’ strategy and hoping for the best. But SEO strategy needs to be customized for products individually. SaaS businesses in the same industry will need different SEO strategies simply because their offerings and their target audience may differ. Take for example customer support software in the ecommerce space- Zendesk is a highly customizable enterprise solution while Gorgias has a smaller learning curve and is best suited for SMBs. 

Similarly, Jira is a project management software best suited for engineering teams, while Asana is fit for businesses and teams of all shapes and sizes. Because of their varied audience segements, the content strategy for Jira may target keywords containing the terms “product development” and “track engineering focus” while Asana uses terms like “productivity tool” and “scale marketing campaigns”. 

Note that a well established brand may rely on loosely tied keywords and cast a wider net to reach a broader audience. In contrast an SMB will rely heavily on commercial or bottom-of-the-funnel keywords which drive sales and revenue. So it's safe to say that SEO can serve many purposes and success doesn’t always mean the same for everyone. Most novices confuse SEO with “traffic growth” but the success of SEO as a channel is not necessarily measured in traffic alone. You should tailor your SEO strategy to your SaaS companies' goals and stage:

  • SMBs: Drive revenue and increase market share.
  • Growing businesses: Focus on building a pipeline of qualified leads.
  • Mature companies: Generate awareness and visibility to capture larger market share.

Here are some SaaS SEO case studies that illustrate how to go about it- 

SaaS SEO Case Studies: What Goals Can Organic Channels Help Achieve?

Without further adieu let's dive into some great SaaS SEO case studies to show how each SaaS SEO goal can be achieved- 

1. Generating Awareness through SaaS SEO- Revenue Hero

RevenueHero witnessed a 200% increase in organic traffic in less than 3 months of onboarding TripleDart. 

Apart from this RevenueHero also received over 1.17K clicks and 106K impressions every month. Here’s how they achieved this result- 

RevenueHero had its content marketing processes in place. They were publishing blogs periodically but website traffic remained more or less stagnant over a long period. Their main objective was- 

  • To improve product awareness
  • Grow relevant traffic on the website.

With a SaaS SEO goals in place, the team started working on implementing the model they designed to get RevenueHero in front of the right audience- 

Publish Product Led content

TripleDart published over 30,000 words of high quality content for RevenueHero. The difference in the previously published content and the new content was the Hub and Spoke content model. It allowed the business to improve reader engagement but also established topical authority for search engine optimization. 

Leveraged Low Difficulty Keywords 

Apart from this, we identified niche keywords that were extremely relevant to the product offerings. These keywords provided high conversion potential but low competition. These keywords allowed RevenueHero to rank higher in SERP results, without having to fend off established brands and blogs in the process. 

As a result, RevenueHero published 15-20 high-quality blogs monthly and achieved 50+ SERP rich results. 

2. Leveraging SaaS SEO to Build Authority - Glean

With a content team stretched thin, Glean was not able to ramp up content production to meet their business goals. Despite an unsatisfactory presence on SaaS SEO channels, Glean was not able to revamp their website and SEO strategy as key marketing initiatives took up most of the marketing team’s time.

TripleDart helped Glean double their SaaS website traffic from 17.1K to 33.7K in a span of 4 months. They also helped double new users on the website from 33K to 66K between the months of November 2023 to March 2024. 

We took a two-pronged approach with Glean: 

  • Audit Glean's website for SEO health and identify quick wins
  • Prioritize organic traffic growth through better content.

In terms of implementation what this meant was

Foundational SaaS SEO: 

Before ramping up content creation, we looked at Glean’s site hygiene and technical SEO improvements that would help increase domain authority. These changes included areas like page loading time, improving site structure, removing broken links etc. 

Consistent Content Creation: 

We published 5 high quality blogs per month, focusing on the core solution. These blogs were tailored to Glean’s quality standards, factoring in brand voice and relevancy.

With TripleDart acting as an extension of Glean’s marketing team, they were able to achieve consistent and sustained increase in organic traffic. Apart from this the initial SEO efforts towards site hygiene increased their visibility for the search algorithm and potential customers alike. 

3. Using SEO and Content to Capture Opportunity- Phyllo

Phyllo went from 2 Leads to 39 Leads month on month with a few tweaks in their SaaS SEO strategy. 

They also witnessed a 1,850% surge in total events including leads, opportunities, MQLs, SQLs and customers.

When Phyllo approached TripleDart they had set content processes in place and were able to produce consistent quality content due to their in-house content marketing efforts. 

However, Phyllo’s goal was to increase leads and conversions through its organic channels. 

We were able to identify opportunities to increase conversions and act on them: 

Bottom of the Funnel Content

We analyzed user behavior on MS Clarity- focusing on customer pain points and triggers. Using the data we gathered we created content that addressed their challenges and objections through Phyllo’s content. This included creating content around PAA questions related to pricing, and features, elaborate ‘How to’s’ to highlight all the lucrative features of the product and used ICP trigger points as topics, publishing blogs on topics like ‘Challenges with Free APIs’. 

We also relied on paid channels to distribute product-explanatory videos and gifs to educate users at the bottom of the funnel.

Increase Focus on Conversion 

While the content on Phyllo’s website was detailed and attracted customers, it could not nudge readers towards Phyllo. To solve this issue, we focused on using product screenshots and explanatory videos within the content. Highlighting the product throughout the content helped drive conversion events. 

Apart from this we leveraged gated assets for keywords with high intent. This helped more the customers down the marketing pipeline, helping increase the number of qualified leads for the sales team to approach. 

4. Optimizing SaaS SEO to Increase Visibility - Spendflo

Spendflo is a software tool that helps buying, negotiation, renewal, and tracking service for SaaS subscriptions. Since it is a niche market and Spendflo is an industry leader, finding high intent keywords was a challenge. 

This meant Spenflo struggled to increase in traffic and demo conversions from SEO. 

With TripleDart’s SaaS SEO strategy, Spendflo was able to achieve 13.5K total clicks and 322K impressions

We concentrated on the following aspects of Spendflo’s content marketing efforts: 

Traditional SEO Checklist

We leveraged technical SEO audits, comprehensive keyword research, internal linking and on-page optimization to ensure that the site was optimized for search engines to uncover and rank for relevant keywords. This gave them the opportunity to appear in more searches and increase website traffic and total impressions.

BOFU Content and Lead Magnets

To improve demo bookings we identified opportunities to create lead magnets. These were seemingly simple changes such as banner implementations and CTA placements on pages with popular content- prompting the customers to explore more. 

We also published high-converting BOFU content like landing pages and listicles to position Spendflo as a leading solution for the target audience. 

4. Creating Content Aimed at Conversion -

When approached TripleDart, they were facing issues in increasing organic traffic and converting existing traffic into relevant leads.

With TripleDart’s multi-pronged approach achieved 105% increase in organic searches, a 136% increase in contact form submissions and their leads increased from 19 to 45 in just 6 months!'s contact form submissions's leads growth M.o.M

Here’s how we did it- 

Technical SEO published great content, but lacked in terms of site health. This held them back as search engine algorithms undervalued their content due to spammy backlinks, suboptimal SEO practices with regard to meta tags and internal linking. We conducted a thorough SEO audit and implemented technical SEO best practices to improve site health. This improved website’s overall credibility leading to better visibility. 

Conversion Rate Optimization

To enhance user engagement and conversions, we implemented a series of strategic website enhancements. We introduced dynamic side GIF banners to capture attention, contextually relevant CTA banners to encourage specific actions, and exit-intent popup banners to offer incentives. These changes created a more engaging and effective website, ultimately resulting in increased lead generation.

Content Marketing Funnel

Lastly we created and optimized a content funnel. At first we focused on bottom of the funnel (BOFU) keyword research to capture existing demand and then slowly moved up the funnel to middle and top of the funnel to build awareness. This resulted in the increase in website traffic. 

Custom-built SaaS SEO Strategies for your Business

Siloed marketing teams often struggle to align their strategies with broader business goals. Internal teams are often overburdened with multiple tasks, limiting their ability to focus on strategic initiatives.

An external perspective can provide a fresh outlook and help identify opportunities for improvement. A dedicated SaaS SEO agency like TripleDart can offer unbiased insights and guidance to optimize your marketing efforts.

Partnering with TripleDart offers several advantages:

  • Extended Team: Access to experienced marketing professionals without the overhead of hiring and training.
  • SEO Expertise: A seasoned SEO agency like TripleDart provides expertise on the dynamic SEO field and helps you keep up with the latest and the best practices for your business. 
  • Strategic Focus: Allow your internal team to concentrate on core business objectives.

Ready to elevate your marketing strategy? Schedule an intro call with TripleDart today to discuss your specific needs and explore how we can help you achieve your goals.

Manoj Palanikumar
Manoj, with over 9 years of experience, has had the privilege of working with and advising more than 50 B2B SaaS brands. Specializing in organic growth strategies, Manoj has consistently driven predictable pipelines and revenue for his clients. As a growth advisor, he has helped B2B brands achieve sustainable, long-term growth through SEO, content, and organic strategies. His expertise has been sought by renowned brands such as Zoho, Glean, Helpshift, Monograph, HowNow, and many others, enhancing their organic acquisition and revenue.

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